The most undeserving rating fr. Meanwhile there well written manhwa that has lower rating. People let just rate more mindfully.
i am double commenting because i cannot believed i spend time reading this nonsense till chaps 33, i was hoping the story will pan out and become better BUT NOPE IT GOT WORST .
WTH is the whole kidnapping arch. Random and like there is no logic. I truly hate this with all my heart. And for those who are lookin at the comment to decide if you should read this. DONT there are too many well written manhwa and manga to be wasting time on this.
Thank for reading my rant
Boring. Art not the best. Translation accepted at best. Storyline and characters are flat. Overall what a bad manhwa.
Things just happen? Like this omega had your child and didnt tell you? Umm sir i feel like this should be a full convo idk maybe a dna test or smthing? Like THE MOLE BEHIND THE EAR IS THE STUPIDEST SHIT.. i laughed because its so bad. Give me back the time i wasted.