if my lover like kissing around, my heart will feel in pain too. So, i think Satoshi owe an apology to Nao-chan. we can trust our lover, but he must keep faithfulness as well..
He said to Nao chan "Don't go cheating on him". But, he kissed around someone else like that but he want Nao chan to trust him??

woooww it's so great manga. i want watching anime too. please help me dear,, give me the link so i can watch anime this manga. (⌒▽⌒)

On youtube, even HD is Low D. Hmmm, 3 OVAs...Why do I remember it being longer than that? ::Spends time looking around:: Shit...I've never actually watched it online before. It seems that the fansub available on every website was ripped directly off the VHS fansub, which is why the quality is so shit. I was really hoping someone would have made a new fansub from a DVD release by now. TT_TT
love it,, too much blood but i like the story