in the first story, the seme always push away the uke, it was so painfull for me too. "It has nothing to do with you!" ___ Ught his words had stabbed my heart too.

I felt proud of the uke for being strong enough to walk away from that situation, even if it was a misunderstanding. The seme never quite redeemed himself in my eyes. In the end, the uke admits that the seme will repeat his mistakes. How many times will the poor uke have to "complain properly" before he, or the relationship, finally breaks? I also didn't trust the seme's friend not to interfere in their relationship should things turn sour for him and his girlfriend. But that is a whole other can of worms I'd rather not open. LOL

Well you need to look at the story depth and at Motoki's explanation that's what gives Hayato's actions some sense. Both Hayato and Motoki were partners in high school plus Hayato did not hide the fact that he was homosexual and Jun just fell in love with him for that. Then Jun always gazed at Hayato so they became aware of him. Now we must infer that since they noticed Jun since back then Hayato knows that Jun has knowledge about his relationship with Motoki hence he is preventing an encounter between them now that Jun is his lover in order to avoid jealousy (in a way he is trying to protect Jun), but his actions just backfires on him. Like the bartender said Hayato is not the most aware person...
aww___ Nagisa was the best ever for Uke,
I know right? Usually the uke lets the rival walk all over him and/or pulls that tsundere bullshit "i-slept-with-you-and-all-but-it's-not-like-i-love-you-or-something-blush". But Nagisa's too awesome for that^^
Yeah, i love the strong Uke ^^
The more yaoi I read, the more pleasure I take in Nagisa.