People saying they wanted to see jakeyung grovel and be. Cmon this is basically him trying to catch Dan’s attention and he keeps getting ignored so why so unhappy with him doing so. I’m glad Dan was able to remember how badly he was treated by Jakeyung
I LOVE that he didn’t let himself get bullied by that guy. I wanted to see the “bullies” size when he checked out Yujins XD
Can someone tell me why ML suddenly gets nauseous out of nowhere? (Ch43 and then also when they were in the abandoned building)
The way panther talked with the “florist” makes me think they’re telling us that he didn’t lose his memory. Did I interpret that correctly?
But side by side they really would look like father and son (^_^;) the eye colorrr especially
I hope Taeju knows he went outside because of his cousin. Also, that his cousin has to explain what she said when she went over ( ̄Д ̄)ノ (T-T)
Mc talked all that but still prepped himself before Kang came in (liquid on Kangs fingers was pink)