AHHHH (//∇//)

Mich created a topic of Jinx

Deep throating andddd almost busting as soon as he put it in. How can he still be in denial

Mich created a topic of Jinx

People saying they wanted to see jakeyung grovel and be. Cmon this is basically him trying to catch Dan’s attention and he keeps getting ignored so why so unhappy with him doing so. I’m glad Dan was able to remember how badly he was treated by Jakeyung

Mich created a topic of Flashlight

I LOVE that he didn’t let himself get bullied by that guy. I wanted to see the “bullies” size when he checked out Yujins XD

Mich created a topic of Salvation Spirit

Can someone tell me why ML suddenly gets nauseous out of nowhere? (Ch43 and then also when they were in the abandoned building)

Mich created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

“Hyung” is kind of getting brainwashed so answer will be interesting to hear+ thought process



Mich created a topic of Driver's High

But hehe the little upside down race car(?) emoji next to the “to be continued…” ('ω') :P

Mich created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Noo don’t tell him. His honesty is gonna backfire so bad (*´-`)

Mich created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

AHHHH _:(´ཀ`」 I need moree (⊙…⊙ )

Mich created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

I hope it doesn’t end when we do reach the dining table scene

Mich created a topic of Beasts of Desire

What’s with the facial expression though. I wanna know what he’s thinking

Mich created a topic of Blaze Out

The way panther talked with the “florist” makes me think they’re telling us that he didn’t lose his memory. Did I interpret that correctly?

Mich created a topic of Pure Love Operation


Mich created a topic of Call me the Devil

But side by side they really would look like father and son (^_^;) the eye colorrr especially


He didn’t even let her finish talking before he chopped her ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Mich created a topic of Call me the Devil

Idkkk I think dad would’ve been beat if he’d really gone up against organ

Mich created a topic of Waterside Night

I hope Taeju knows he went outside because of his cousin. Also, that his cousin has to explain what she said when she went over ( ̄Д ̄)ノ (T-T)

Mich created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Mc talked all that but still prepped himself before Kang came in (liquid on Kangs fingers was pink)

Mich created a topic of Devil on Top

Well that’s embarrassing. Imagine boasting about yourself only to let the person down