So Jun/Jinha had mentioned that his mom used the stone with his dad. The man at the temple said that being tied by the fate stone meant they’d be together for life. But the mom and dad actually divorced because he cheated. Does that mean it failed. Or does it not actually tie them together for life??
I think it means they failed, and with the troubles you get during the time with the stone yout should be tied for life with the one you love. His mother only said they met because of the stone and she got to see him because of it,it implies that they haven't done anything in the dream like reality.
Hello, but he said if you dont yse the stone often you are going to be cursed, and you are going to loss your loved one. Also your love would be enternal like a blessimg from the stone if you do it with your loved one in the dream, so probably the mom didnt do any of those not dreaming often or doing it ina dream to get the enternal blessing.
I get that there are ppl upset about Doyun not getting his own “happy ending” (I was too…a bit) but honestly I think it’s for the best he stays on his own for a while. He should work on himself before trying his luck again in relationships. That way he learns to balance work & home life and his future partner won’t feel too lonely
Yeah, but couldn't we get at least one chapter that he's on a good way?
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