Lillianna created a topic of Magical Realm Shopkeeper

Whales shouldn't face cruel working conditions

I wish Farsei's body & mind transmigrated intact together to Earth, so they can live with their 3rd and honorary 4th brother all the time

Lillianna created a topic of Serpent Ancestor

If they're setting up a romance with the younger girl snake, I won't be upset by it. They're both snakes, they're close in age, they get along- I'm not shipping but I won't be angry if the author does.

Yes the romance plot between adult Sejun and the immature youngest dragon Aileen is gross, but we can't convince the author to change. We have to either look past this for the great plot, or abandon this entirely. If it helps Aileen gets more mature in future chapters.

Lillianna created a topic of Bizarre restaurant

I would also probably pet the talking cat until it told me that made it uncomfortable

The saints arc is done now! She's not dead though, just get hypnosis power was broken by MC somehow so people remembered she sucks and banished her.

Lillianna created a topic of Fire Flower Dream

The way some people obsess over someone whose sexuality doesn't ever include them just baffles me. You can tell she wasn't just after the concubine role for the power and money, she really wanted to be loved and she's to delusional to accept that him being gay means it would never happen.

I want to keep Farsei guy AND their original brother. Why can't we have both?

The casino manager is less of an ass in this version than in the novel. He didn't hesitate to sell the kid even for a second, and he didn't think of their time fondly he hated the kid and stole all his paychecks.

If you hate sadness I'd start at chapter 13. Everyone dies before then.

Lillianna created a topic of Eastern Palace Prisoner

This upload speed is insane and awesome! I'm so happy to get all these chapters, but please don't let our fun get in the way of your sleep and health.

I don't get the hate. This is following tightly established genre norms, and it's written for people who like this type of story. Hating this just because of the genre having many specific character types and plot trope requirements is like hating the very tight genre rules for Romance subgenres too, it's just what those readers demand and the authors deliver.

That said, this is a well written one in this very specific story type. It has some unique details. It's fine.

Lillianna created a topic of Eastern Palace Prisoner

Hope can we read this story if he's dead?

Oh what if his ex BIL added the tracker? I'd be so disappointed in him.

Uh some of the latest chapters are for the wrong stories. Vampire hunter? Then a different fantasy adventurer manga that has nothing to do with this. I hope we get the correct chapters soon, this is a fun story.

I wonder if he's going to score his future sibling as a factor in supporting the marriage next

He didn't tell anyone he was a "prophet" or blab, so he's obviously different than that scammer.