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Manga I like(200) 2023-06-27 0
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Lillianna's topics ( All 61 )

Lillianna June 24, 2024 4:39 pm

Plot explanation: "Helen" keeps getting flashbacks to bring kept as a sex pet by a priest when he was young before the priest abandoned him. This probably happened when he was in an orphanage, but that wasn't specified in the plot. He now has a fear of being alone. He broke into the mafia's place to get meth. There he was captured and kept as a sex pet again, but he's insecure about his place because he was once abandoned. When they start out in Macau China, he was often left with Philip as a sort of sex pet daycare situation while his master did his mafia job work shifts. Then they went on a business trip together and stayed in an apartment together, where they were spending more time together. "Helen" opened the window even though the sun instantly burned him severely because of his albinism so he could feel like he's with people. The burns were so severe he got a fever, and he's already mentally unstable, and his master said they'd have to return from the trip to their original meeting place in Macau China, so in the funk he panics his master is leaving him and tried to leave his master before being abandoned. When he got caught running away he tried to kill himself so he can't feel lonely anymore. In the end both master and "Helen" realize they are both fond of each other & mentally broken and dependent on each other.

Lillianna June 22, 2024 1:53 am

I agree with Puppy, a person shaped like a dog should have a different lifestyle than a dog has

Lillianna's questions ( All 2 )

Lillianna May 29, 2021 2:06 am

Hello kind people, I've lost track of a manga I liked. It happened in a boarding school for teens that were really magical beings/creatures/monsters, with a girl white crow and guy who's a bit of a romantic bully to her black crow. For many years the girl forgot she was a crow person. There's a prophecy about the white crow.

Lillianna May 13, 2021 4:32 am

Can you remind me the name of a manga where's she's reincarnated into a novel as a red haired villainous lady who in the novel bullies her stepson until he kills her but the reborn lady loves her stepson who acts cute to her so the mother and son relationship they develop is very loving. And once she's reborn her husband gets jealous and wants to get close to her too but she's scared of him because he's famously vicious. Also the stepson has a peach allergy.

Lillianna's favorite ( All 1 )

What do you think about the gossip 06-29 08:47

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I love manga. Someday when I have the money I'll buy all my favorites I've read here and get paperback copies!

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