This manwha was so good omfg
So many plot twists, you literally suspected everyone! It took me more than 40 chapters just to start figuring shit out
& ngl a part of me felt like someone was just gonna pop outta nowhere and save Baron...
This manwha was so well thought-out like bro fucking props to the mangaka

Why is everyone hating on this manga? Personally, it's my favorite manga right now & to be honest I love the whole Lu Xuan x Siwon plot. The BDSM was hella sexy and I wouldn't mind if they did it again lol
I see this as more of an opportunity for Jihan to get his sh*t together.

Oh boy ... Why is everyone hating on this manga? There are pages and pages of comments about it. Of course it's just a matter of opinion but if so many readers are so mad then maybe it's not imagination that something really got derailed. And there will always be people who love it anyway. But if you really, really want to know why so many are disappointed just read the pages.

There are a couple of reasons why many fans have grown to disdain this story but the main arguments/dislikes are #1 The complete story shift from the main couple Jinha&Siwon #2 The seemingly everlasting drama and #3 The constant sexual assault.
No hate or anything, like what you want but no matter how you slice it, what Lu is doing to Siwon is force. This is why a lot of fans dislike Lu and these new chapters.

A lot of people are just too judgmental, I like this as well. I've see worse drama in manga so I don't know why people are complaining about the drama in this when there's worse, I am ok with the drama in this but I just hope it doesn't have a shitty ending.

#1, isn't this just an addition of another character with the purpose of resulting in a love triangle? #2 what's bad about there being drama? If there's no drama, I don't see how it could be interesting. I don't like when everything just magically falls into place like some other manga. When couples get together easily and there's no struggle it becomes rather bland. #3 that is something that comes with a lot of yaoi tbh. People fantasize about those kinds of things all the time. Maybe it's your cup of tea but some people like it.

Oh! I absolutely love drama and angst as plot devices in BL manhua too. I am NOT speaking for myself, as I never said I was, but speaking for the majority opinion which also seems to be the majority. Many fans do not like these things, because they are inherently inconvenient(besides the rape, it is inherently bad) Also, allow me to explain it simply in case you have forgotten. We have experienced the conflict and strife between our two main characters. Jinha, although flawed while, has been trying his upmost to be there for Siwon/give his affection/have him fall in love for him, in which Siwon was very reserved and rejected his advances several times. Keep in mind, he's done SEVERAL attempts and got himself hurt in the process in his sacrifice. However, now we see this new character Lu who swiftly and without effort steps into Siwon's life. Yes, he had to use sexual assault. Yes, Siwon is seemingly "not" enjoying this, but he doesn't react to his sexual advances in the way he did with Jinha, like it's almost as if he's beginning to like him from all the emotional and psychological torment. (Yes, this was obviously Lu's plan all along, what a clever guy. In addition to this, this new character is NOT likeable for these reasons. You don't have to have a problem with the rape troupe in BL content, it happens all the time right? But we have no substance for Lu. I can assure you if he was not attractive no one would give two shits about him and be lighting their pitchforks up his ass. Take this, you've put our your heart out to your most beloved one when another person swoops in and basically steals them, but with force and rape, not affection, patience and understanding like you have. I know it's so easy to be on the minority's side because you already like these 2 troupes (love triangle, rape troupe) but THIS is why MOST people who carry morals do not. This isn't like points of three or Lover boy, you need to understand that fans genuinely dislike this manga for valid reasons. Just because those reasons don't like up with yours, doesn't mean they're wrong. I hope this helped you understand a little bit more.

1. I like love triangle, but A Man Like You is a guide of how to not make one.
Love triangle typically helps to further the relationship of the main characters, but in this one, you find so many readers feeling the opposite. This is because Lu Xuan Ru, rather than a love interest, he feels more like a cartoon villain. Despite this, Siwon reaction towards his sexual assault and kidnapping is akin to a child tantrum.
2. I love drama, my favorite manga tend to be on the angsty side. However, this only works with characters the readers can relate or symphatize. In A Man Like You, the characters are neither relatable nor likable. They hinged strongly on being physically attractive rather than having actual substance.
3. Yes, you are right. However, this Manhwa is actually decent in the beginning. When the quality of the writing declines, the only thing left is just fanservice. That is fine in itself, especially if that is what you are looking for, but for people who wants more than fanservice, they will likely be disappointed.

lmao i still love is too :D

Sometimes a story starts good and then the author messes up. Like movies, TV shows, books, etc ... Not every piece of work is good. Sometimes the overall result is mediocre.
A Yaoi story where one of the MCs is dumbed down to max to fit in chapters for fanservice, a story where one of the MCs is neglected in scenes and development for the sake of other, a story where the plot is messy and confusing and the scenes look like fillers rather than necessary are all characteristics of a mediocre story telling and 'A Man Like You' has all this. Of course there will always be readers who like anything an author write or love the fanservice or don't mind the fillers .... and when it's a leveled, balanced division of opinion, then one can say is debatable. However, look at the outrage, the amount of readers who came forward voicing disappointment, the amount who claim they're dropping it ( and keep in mind that many just drop it without saying it)... is that because 'some people are just too judgmental' or then possibly there is really some point in the critic? If 8 out of 10 people are pointing out the same flaws and voicing the same concern, of course is a matter of opinion that the other 2 can't see the problem but that's why some works win prizes and some gets a mocking. You can't explain taste but you can establish a pattern, a sign that something is wrong when a lot of people are looking at something and finding it a problem even if a few other look at it and can't see the stain. Right? Even if you don't agree with the others, certainly you can look at the coincidence of some many all of sudden complaining and think: ... do I really need to ask why is everyone hating on this? If you can't see the issues that so many are talking about, maybe it's not because they don't exist. You just can't see them because you like them and see nothing wrong with it.
What if the ex is the one who’s the crazy person following Yidam and the one who recorded them in their dorm room??(⊙…⊙ )