1. The way Jingi talks about gambling addicts made me a bit sad..as a former gambling addict, it just made me a bit upset. Gambling addicts can change, it’s just very difficult without professional help and services, Jingi
2. Heonjae’s white hair: I have a couple cousins who developed strands/areas of white hair as a cause of extreme stress/traumatic events. So I want to assume/guess that Heonjae developed silver/white hair from extreme traumatic experiences/stress.
3. The third sibling: now this is a theory I have, but that one woman we say who received the letter from Jingi. I have a feeling that she’s Heonjae and Jingi’s sister because she doesn’t look old enough to be their mother. It’s also worth mentioning that the relative said “three kids” not three “brothers”, so it could be true..or maybe not? (*´-`)
Like personally, I was in a similar situation to Myeonggi where I would gamble because it felt arousing to me (myeonggi probably just does it for the money or risk), but after pretty much being giving an ultimatum by my family, I had to get help. I just hope Myeonggi actually get help because wow this is hitting too close to home.
Listen, I’m writing bullshit theories because why not. I’m more interested in how Tae-ha even KNOWS Hae-soo. So I have a couple of theories:
1. It has something to do with his mom…I don’t know why but I feel it in my BONES that either his mom knew her or something..he just screams mommy issues for some reason.
2. It could just be a moment of kindness where she helped him as a kid or some shit
3. I dont know what other reason…but it felt incomplete to stop at two
But for some reason, taeha and his family seem to look like they all have a type….like taeha and his brother just scream “mommy issues”…I feel in my bones
Ohhhuuu that's a good one!