hellahana did ( All 2 )

skipping class halloween

hellahana's experience ( All 0 )

hellahana's answer ( All 144 )

about question
Business major. Damn I didn't think I'd continue business even in university. Honestly, I didn't regret choosing this. The only thing I'm regretting is not study hard. Fuck I'm supposed to be in psychology major. Idk about my future but I think I'll earn well enough to have a stable life. Sadge... I hate account throughout my highschool life so w......   1 reply
6 days
about question
What a perfect opportunity lol ggum by yeonjun https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1T9tLMh99Wo&t=0s   4 reply
10 days
Pom poko have to squeeze my brain lol been a while since I last watch an anime. I only read haha   reply
14 days
about question
I didn't expect this. Do i deserve to be this? I thought I'd get omega lol   3 reply
15 days
about question
I study account/business but I used to work as canteen assistant (currently waiting for university registration day) Study hard so you can get into your top 1 course/university. My dream crumbled but I guess I'll make the best of it. As long as I live, I need to earn life expenses   2 reply
17 days

hellahana's question ( All 8 )

Genuine question bcs idk... I bought the piercing kit but forgot the alcohol pad. I'm too lazy to go out to buy alcohol pad. I googled around and still no answer. I heard it will dried the skin and idk if that's a bad thing? It's for prepping the skin only, I won't use it for regular cleaning tho. So, yes or no?
24 07,2024
Got confessed yesterday that was my first time getting confess to, by a girl.

I like her but not as much as she love me. (I flirt with people all the times, never thought something like this would ever happened to me) Plus I'm a believer queer + believer.. what a bs combination. Im struggling w this for a very long time and still am today. If I could, I want to share a lifetime with her but IM SCARED. I reject her by saying "I'm very happy as I am rn" it's all thanks to her tho, bcs she makes me happy.

I asked her if we could still remains friends and she answered "It's a rejection, you didn't throw me out your life right?" She's too precious to me I only want the best for her

Idk what to do rn, we still text eo. I feel so bad. Idk how to act
28 05,2024
Help me choose. Should I;

1. Bought a motorcycle (I own it)
2. Register car license (I drove my parents')

The reason why I'm indecisive bcs the deposit of car license is the same as motorcycle's deposit. Both around $500+
11 03,2024
03 03,2024
Guys what is it called when you can't tell any shit to your parents even tho it's not harmful at all. But I'm scared it'd be the opposite and get my head smash onto the wall (ok my mind went wild, too exaggerating I guess that will never happened but this show how scared I am) (and I oops! Ok I just remembered that's exactly how my mom threatened me. She never smash my head directly and only slap me until it bruise... Ykwhat this is why telling/confessing to other help makes you realize what is what) anyway, I want to pierce my ear, which part of the ear is the best to hide the piercing? I always had my hair down so it's not big deal. Here's a reference https://pin.it/2wGi2YhMu I can't wait aaaa ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
03 03,2024

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

got a 25% on my first physics exam 0-0 at least with corrections i can get up to a B!

3 hours
want to do my first boyfriend

ive had 2 girlfriends but never a boyfriend and i rlly want one bc ive never had one

3 hours
did how are u guys doing in school


5 hours