But you’re telling me this is not a GL? this is some sick queer baiting. I’m assuming she’s gonna end up with purple hair guy but i think it’s crazy considering how down bad Anthasnia is for her. The gays will never be free

you’re joking? like actually? have you been fucking reading with your eyes closed are you actually just thick skulled and homophobic? I’d advise you read this whole manwha over from the start because from as early as chapter 7, where Asha was blushing when their hands almost touched and The FMC sniffing her when they hugged thinking about how good she smells and it literally just goes from there on. But really and truly chapter 29 alone is gay enough to prove a point.
You’re gonna read the dialogue and interaction between the FMC and anathasia, where Asha literally gets jealous and sad, asking the FMC if she was interested in purple hair guy because she saw them holding hands. Her face literally dropping and red and being relieved when she said no….That doesn’t seem a little gay to you?? girl gtfo and don’t pmo

I know the term 'queer baiting' can sometimes feel ridged and extreme, as it’s often used to harshly criticize mainstream media for specific practices that might not fully apply here. However, based on the actual definition of queer baiting, I think it does fit the situation. Just to clarify, queer baiting refers to media heavily implying that characters are gay or part of the LGBTQ+ community as a way to appeal to queer audiences with the promise of 'representation,' while maintaining ambiguity about the characters' sexuality
Basically, it’s implying a characters sexuality or a same-sex relationship without confirming it. From what i’ve read so far i’d say that’s pretty accurate to the manwha. Don’t get me wrong tho, i’m well aware this isn’t a GL (more reason it could be considered queer baiting because someting labelled gay can’t be baiting) I didn’t click on this EXPECTING anything gay, im just saying Asha and the fmc are gay af for each other and it’s obvious that it probably won’t be addressed. Not saying they had to end up together or anything! but the author is def teasing

It’s like y’all have been reading this with your eyes closed. “The ML is trash” “He’s a monster” “He’s selfish” Oh PULEASSEEE, y’all sound so emotionally unintelligent and childish. Welcome to the real world and welcome to the human psyche.
I’m really happy y’all have never gone through the type of grief and trauma that the ML had to experience because you would be in for a rude ass awakening. Do y’all know know stupid you sound trying to minimise his actions to being “stupid” and “selfish”? You try growing up on the streets, try seeing your entire found-family get burnt alive, try having to live with, and be enslaved by their murder. Try it, please, and tell me whether you think you’d come out sane.
This story started from the FL’s perspective. We saw her hardships, we saw her pain, we saw her die deaths she did not deserve. The ML was the villain in the FL’s perspective. WE (the readers) know she did not deserve to die, but HE didn’t, because in his mind, why should he show mercy to his murder’s family, when his family did not have that luxury? I’m by no means declaring his innocence. I’m simply putting it out there that the ML was also very much a victim of the circumstances in the story, and from HIS perspective, the FL and her family were the villains in his story.
Y’all are also continuously overlooking the key factor for his hatred towards the FL. Having to keep reliving that same tragedy multiple times, just added fuel to his already fiery anger and grief. And because the FL caused the loop initially, OF COURSE he’s gonna hate her more, not realising that HE himself, is contributing to the continuous cycle by taking his anger out on her.
It is a shame that this manwha fell into the clutches of children who only know how to appreciate one-dimensional, unrealistic characters and a generic story.
The pacing and writing of this story is dare i say, fantastic. It is not insta love, there was no instant compassion, there was (still is) hatred, anger, hurt and ignorance on both sides. There were so many misunderstandings and misconceptions they had about each other that are slowly being resolved, and the more they start to understand each other, the more they will heal from their trauma and become mentally stable people. I love that they highlighted the reality of having trauma and mental illness.
This is not fucking Abandoned Empress y'all.
The dual POV in this is genius. The ML was NEVER the villain of the story who fell in love and suddenly turned good. The ML will not be having a “redemption arc” for us to overlook his wrong doings, he will be growing. Matter of fact, it would be more accurate to call him a MC, because that’s what he is as well. This is not only female lead’s story, it’s his too. And neither of them were ever truly the villains. It’d do y’all good to remember that from the very start, the villain has ALWAYS been the father. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Honestly, I was thinking the same thing, because by no means is someone perfect in their way of thinking and actions and I think this story shows the reality of two people living two VERY different lives. I feel like he’s justified in being angry and he’s not gonna know all the things that we know about fl. If you also look at it another way, he died as a child, he never had that guidance of fully living to his adult years and learning the morality that any other person would. He died and then became an adult and ended up with a sword and saving the world. That’s no different than giving a child a sword. I’m not defending his actions either but I’m starting to see the more he’s with fl, he’s slowly learning empathy and self understanding.

I can’t tell if i’m slow or if the wish spirit and the crown prince (presumably the ML) look the same. Are they the same person? you know, the guy she was dancing with in the first chapter? Or is it the spirit that’s the ML and not the crown prince ? ORRR do they actually not look alike at all, it’s just that they have the same colour hair which is tripping me up? If anyone can confirm or deny, or give me some clarifying info that would be super helpful! Thanks!

Honestly they could end the manwha rn and id be happy LMAO. I’m sooo glad she got away from her family and it didn’t take 50+ chapters. I also love the fact the the ML isn’t stuck up and cold to the FL but generally cares for her and SHOWS IT!! There’s no misunderstandings between them, no secrets, no lies. Such a breath of fresh air!
But Alas… i’m sure there’s more drama to come with that wicked blonde prince or whoever that put the curse on the ML, so no happy ending just yet. Fingers crossed if doesn’t get over complicated and dragged out tho!
I’m soo curious to know what’s up with the emperor! Why did he say he hates himself?? Because of his guilt?? i’m dying to know! Anyone can tell me anything from the novel or raws?
I don’t think he killed Avid’s mom. But maybe he witnessed the regent kill her and maybe just feels guilty about it because he couldn’t do anything to stop it because he’s powerless