What's the best app to learn Japanese/Korean?

Imo, get dictionary app on your phone/tablet. Get one with kanji (for jap) drawing where you can draw the kanji and let the app translate it. For the language itself you can search for any learning website (it's free). I use wasabi for Japanese. And then just watch a lot of anime, k-drama, listen to jpop, kpop to familiarize yourself with the language. At least that's what I'm doing. Hope that helps. Best of luck

Here's how!
Just scroll through the comment section there's a bunch of instructions posted. Some pips also posted dolsha's recent tweets in there.
Is the third ending already licensed?
If you're asking in English language?! Then no its not yet
there will be soon! Author has confirmed on Twitter
I see. Did they announce the specific date and site?
no further info. She said she’ll tweet about it again once everything is confirmed.
Oh. Thank you so much for the info! ^^