My memory of it's contents is pretty vague, so I apologize in advance if I end up not making much sense. Anyways, from what I recall, it's about a boy who is going to a considerably prestigious school (I think university, but could also still be high school), however he's not very smart so he struggles a bit with the curriculum. He ends up meeting this guy (same age I do believe) who works at this sort of run-down family restaurant kind of place. I don't remember much of the story's development, but somehow the student kid ends up coming to the restaurant almost everyday after school to meet with the restaurant guy and they form some sort of bond. After some time, it turns out that the restaurant guy is super smart and the student kid somehow ends up feeling like he was being made fun of by him, yada-yada. Then they make up (of course) and every things all good again, lol. Welp, that's all I've got. If anyone could help me out I'd be super grateful.

I tink. I know what manga is but i dont know the name the uke has black hair and he is goin to cram school because he did not pass the university entrance exam and i belive the seme is in that university but he is not goin to class

Could it be this one? :O

Or just an illustration? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aishuu/an/aishuu-chapter-4.html/3/

This is kind of a strange request. I've realized lately that I kind of have a thing for shitty semes, or rather stories involving them. It seems I enjoy the frustration and the chest pains they cause. Weird, I know. But does anybody have any recommendations like that? Like where the seme is really shitty to the uke at first but then redeems or at least half-redeems himself?

When you say 'shitty' seme I think of two different types: 1) The Arrogant/Possesive Seme (usually rapes the uke into submission) or 2) The Asshole Seme (Also usually arrogant, but mainly just selfish and will take advantage of others. The worst are the ones who don't realize or care how heartless they are being)
Here are some examples of Type #1:
----> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/rakuen_no_ori/
----> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aiyoku_heaven/
----> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/okane_ga_nai/
Type #2:
-----> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kimi_no_kao_ni_sasu_kage/
-----> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/cherry_ichijou_lemon/
------> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/sasayaku_no_wa_sono_yubi/
And the worst, a combo of 1 & 2 Type:
----> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/desire/
-----> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aishuu/
-----> http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/deep_flower/

Yeah Let Dai is a bit intense but I told you just in case (●'◡'●)ノ
Maybe something like this would be better...

( ̄∇ ̄") haha yeah, I know it can be hard finding new yaoi so I wanted to make sure there were some you haven't read yet. I've never really thought about it but I also really enjoy reading these kinds of manga, even when the seme makes me angry/too emotional. I guess it's just my masochist side coming out ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ lol. Hope you enjoy some of my suggestions!

The story revolves around this man and his long-held love for a girl called Chérie (or something like that) whom he first fell in love with as a child when he saw her in a commercial on television (she was a child at the time, too, mind you.) She was the portrait of beauty in his eyes and he would always sing along with her whenever the commercial would come on. He was completely captivated. Fast forward however many years, and he is a married accountant with child(ren?). He still holds that love in his heart, but has obviously repressed it in order to live a "normal" life. That is, until one day, when he picks up a locket that a passerby had dropped. When he sees that the locket contains a photo of none other than his beloved Chérie, he is adamant in finding the locket's owner. When he finally tracks them down (I don't remember how, exactly), he finds himself in a bar where the owner (who is established to be a man) works (or maybe he even owns it? I don't remember). Of course he is very curious about this man who has a locket containing a photo of his beloved Chérie, so he decides to chat him up over a drink. The only problem is, he is a terrible drunk, and after only a couple of drinks, he is professing his love for Chérie left and right, gushing on and on. Mr. Locket-owner-san, however, decides to shatter the guy's illusions by confessing that (shocker!) he is actually Chérie. Or was, rather (it's actually a painful memory for him). But guess what? Our protagonist is more than okay with that- overjoyed, actaully- and is immediately trying to court the guy! He comes back to the bar (which turns out to be a tranny bar) every following night, pretty much completely neglecting his job and family (it's actually pretty horrible, lol) and even helps out there occasionally. He ends up fitting right in with the crowd. I'm not sure how exactly it transitions to this, but in the latter half of the story the pair end up at Mr. Locket-owner-san's mother's inn (or whatever you want to call it). Apparently she was about to lose her inn but Mr. Accountant-san ends up helping her out and him and Mr. Locket-owner-san end up working there together. Their love blossoms after a few trials and tribulations (in the form of ex-lovers), and then everything is beautiful and swell.
I've been looking for what seems like ages with no such luck, and I feel like I'm slowly dying on the inside (lol), so if anyone could help me out, I would be EXTREMELY appreciative! Also, it's very likely that the details I've given are slightly off, so my synopsis should only be taken with a grain of salt, although I am quite confident in my recollection. Anyways, thanks again!

Chapter 3 - 5 of this? :O

I'm looking for a shonen ai manga about a boy (seme) whose roommate, Miki-kun (uke) is in love with him. The uke is really obvious about it (not purposely, he just can't help it) and so the seme is fully aware of the uke's feelings, but the uke doesn't know that the seme knows. It's complete fluff and so there's not too much of a plot for me to describe, but I hope that this is enough information to work with. Also, it's a oneshot that's grouped in with another manga. I'm pretty sure it's the very last chapter of the manga.

Hello~ Is this what you're looking for??

If so, could you please tell me the name of it?:

I'm looking for a yaoi manga that I read in the past, please forgive me as my recollection of it is kind of scattered. All I know is that the couple are classmates, and that the uke is commonly referred to as "Sparkly-kun" by other students. Also, at some point in the manga, their class decides to run a host club as part of a school event. I don't remember if they were already together at the start of the manga or if they hook up as the story progresses, but I think it may have been the latter. Also, there is a second couple in the manga, and the seme of that couple happened to be in love with the uke (Sparkly-kun) from the first couple, but after Sparkly-kun is taken by someone else, he gets together with his friend who had all the while been harboring feelings for him, but had kept them hidden because he knew that his friend was in love with Sparkly-kun. Please help me out if you can, it would be greatly appreciated!

I'm looking for a yaoi manga, however my memory is unfortunately running quite scarce on it's details, and even the details I do remember of it are somewhat vague. All I know is that it involves an uke who, after sleeping with the seme in a hookup seemingly devoid of emotional attachment, realizes he is actually in love with the seme. Now, I don't exactly recall how that ended up happening (I think they might've been drunk or something), but it did, and in order to preserve the memory, the uke keeps purposely cutting open the spot where the seme had left a lovebite on him that fateful night. At some point the seme catches on to this behavior, noting that the lovebite should've healed some time ago, and he decides to confront the uke. Then the pair's true feeling are revealed during the confrontation, with the seme telling the uke something along the lines of, "You don't need to do that. I'll leave as many as you want from now on, so stop hurting yourself." From what I remember, the pair are fellow salarymen, and the previous confession scene that I spoke of takes place in one of the company's bathrooms, lol. But it's still nonetheless very sweet, and the couple lives on happily ever after afterwards. Well, that's all I've got, so if you are able, please help me out. It would be greatly appreciated ^.^

the "picking at the lovebite" part sounds like this manga to me... but they're not salarymen in this one
I definitely feel like these two have a manga, do they not? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kizutsuite_romance/bt/manga/kizutsuite_romance/c005.5/pg-2/
They have. :D But its not translated yet.~
Huh, I could have sworn that I'd already read about them, but I guess my mind's just playing tricks on me. Well, thanks for the info! ^.^
Maybe you confused them with another couple? haha
No problem~ :D