the change of genre is crazy kid ml knew ehat was happening and exactly how to handle it. i figured something happened when they were younger but i thought it would all be on accident. but he was fr hypnotizing the mom and everything omg. i feel bad for howoo like… he has no idea
im letting this marinate bc im to scared its gonna go into love triangle territory i need everyone in their og bodies and for wonjae and youngmin to be happy together THATS IT
got so excited that dad was finally back BUT THAT BITCH ASS OLD MAN MADE AN APPEARANCE…. ur one of my the most powerful people why are u picking on a bunch of kids after getting what u wanted
i need them to talk about their feelings so badly im afraid the blonde girl is gonna make a move soon and asha will become more closed off then she already is. CROWN PRINCE HURRY AND GET UR GIRL !!
why do i lowkey feel like gestella wont be the new cat but her disciple (ex disciple???) will