80% of Shoujo and Shounen are also trash the tropes also keep getting reused there, and even Yuri as a Yuri fan it's mostly bad, I mean if you want to consume media that have subtle gay fanservice all heads up to you but just know it's just fanservice, I read BL because I like it and enjoy it I know it's mostly shit but sometimes I find good one he......
Wasn't going to answer this but I saw few comments so felt like answering heh my take is we should rather focus on the level of justice than level of punishment. What do I mean? Basically rather than focusing on how gruesome a punishment will be we should be focusing on how evey victims should get justice in faster and better way. Also its been men......
Rapists should have their penis cut off or vagina sewn shut and sent to prison so they can't claim more victims and shit is my philosophical hot take
I mean the thing with kinks is they are all a little gross or unsafe in some way. that's what makes them kinky, and that's ok. the most important thing with it is ensuring all involved are comfortable and consenting. so talk rules, set boundaries, if your not comfortable with something or want something talk it out with your partner. find the lin......
my fave type of question i’ve got too many stories lmaooo in science a guy pissed in the test tubes and got caught flicking it on the people infront of him. someone snitched on him lmaoo (off topic hes in jail now ☠️) also i think this was during english or maths idk but a guy somehow ripped a girls leggings and apparently put his finger up ......
A restaurant-bar worker who keeps seeing shoujo manga tropes while working and is done with it. Thing's they've witnessed: -A person getting jealous of their crush/lover getting close to someone else and subsequently either drinks up until they pass out or pull their partner out of there and have a fight/angry make out sesh -A heartbroken person ......
Yaoi/BL is boring