"curse worm to inhabit your brain" …rfk jr?
Geumjeong is muchhhhh prettier than that troll under the bridge headass
I love you for this ahhahahhahaha
the speed in which he shoved his dick in MC’s face was honestly impressive. perhaps even a world record
what a good dog
there were women there this whole time?? i must be blind because i do not remember seeing one, not even in the background lmao
I'm pretty sure there was a woman at the beginning that gave a scarf to Raymond when he first got enrolled in this hellhole.
the way he skitters across the floor lmao
“my heart is pounding like crazy” *panel zooms in on crotch* lmfao
thats because his heart isn't the only thing throbbing I mean pounding ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
the blood’s gotta be pumping somewhere i guess lol
lol exactly
OMG ITS BACK!!! i was just thinking about this series the other day hoping the new season would start soon!!
GAHH author why must you tease us with actual communication between the characters like this???
the easter bunny is not pleased with this behavior