You know around the chapter where Aachan kissed Kouta just to get sempai to back off I was like Yaaaassss get you a friend like Aachan. But as the story went on I realized that Aachan is one of those friends who just don’t know when to shut up … like he means well but lmao he’s making things worse. Love this story 10/10 one of my favorites.

Everyone around him was disingenuous this includes the leading love interest (even though I like him). The fact that people were treating him like a weird plague just because of his fashion sense and unshaven face & glasses is ridiculous. Now all of a sudden just because he cleaned up a bit people want to date him and hang out with him... don't blame him for not feeling comfortable around them.. I would too. Really cute story, besides that classmates treatment and superficial outlook I really enjoyed the story!
Instead of sticking his non existing nose in people’s business dumb ass should be worried about how freaking insignificant he is in this universe that he doesn’t even have a face. So annoying killing the vibe with his no having ass. And just because he just transferred doesn’t mean he can’t have someone he likes some people have a life outside of school …. did he forget that he’s a model ( ̄へ ̄)