i’m sorry but i am laughing SO fucking hard at the people here rn because they’re such goodie goodies now all of a sudden,,,”you have to go and support the author because I DO” (and i agree) but how THE FUCK are you gonna tell us that and then have a whole illegal acct on an ILLEGAL website??? PLEASEEEEE

*RANT WARNING AHEAD* This is so stupid and i might regret writing it later BUT i need to get this off my chest...
I know that we read illegally on sites like this, and it’s terrible. People don’t think we don’t need to read on their official website but we do and we know that. but not everyone can afford to come out and BUY chapters especially 18+, mature content like this. I do understand as to why the person who snitched on us did what they did, but it’s honestly so tiring people say delete the website, how about YOU(the person who is against keeping the website) stop reading on this specific site?
Anyway the point of this is to show byeon ducks recent TWITTER statement: bestie idk how to tell you this but you’re gonna lose SOOOO much money because without this

Ummm I think people will lost interest in this manhwa after removing it on illegal website like this.. So we sure support them on legal site.. But we can't support them by buying the whole manhwa... And I don't support them anymore if this manhwa being removed on this site... I will just stop reading it... (This why they lost more money) It's just my opinion don't be mad okʚ♡ɞ(•ᴗ•❁)

I’m sorry but I don’t believe this. Like at all. It’s basic economics that there needs to be incentive to purchase something. If people read here for free where is the incentive? If you truly respect her as an author you will pay for her work regardless. Also, POTN is the #1 ranking manwha on LZN constantly when in season. It’s won several awards and is probably LZN’s best selling publication. Illegal readers have absolutely no effect on her success.

nah sis cuz you missed the point i was trying to make, people on here aren’t gonna know the story/forget about it after it gets deleted off of here. and people aren’t willing to spend money to actually read the story. anyway the point i was trying to make is that BD is gonna lose money bc OTHER SITES as well have this same story and will not be getting same support/ following as it did if it was on this site. anyway i hope she does take it off because regardless the work is hers not ours.

Dude your literally praying on her down fall. And tbh maybe for some of the other manwhas that maybe true but I don't think potn is going to suffer. I mean s3 is just around the corner and it's already popular enough that she'll be making more now that more ppl will start reading her story legally. Even if it's not all illegal readers her bank acc will see the increase. Bc at the end of the day ppl well pay for what they like.

Nah baby you really didn’t. I’ve noticed a lot of you have this sense of self importance. Like you think BD owes you her career. Your reading doesn’t help her in the slightest. Doesn’t help pay her bills. Doesn’t help her in her rankings, yet she still managed to be #1 for the 2020 year on LZN and win several awards. Read illegally if you want, but this kind of entitlement is why I don’t feel sorry for a lot of you. You did nothing for that woman. She does not need you. Period.

Lmao so now that I’m not completely sucking your ass and making points you use to weaponize hatred towards the author youre mad. Trust me, I have no pity for people like you. Act like irate toddlers when your toys are taken away. It’s more funny than sad. Enjoy not having a hard working artists work! Stay broke and stay mad.

sigh. it’s not that i don’t ship team joowon, but why would they lead on the whole story with taku and only end up with joowon ??? I definitely do think that Taku should be the one who ended up with him, because love is supposed to feel like healing not toxic. Regardless I still wish them the best, it’s just not for me bc i don’t like toxicity

agreed! i feel like in most bls where the protag is w someone at the start n then someone else who’s not toxic gets introduced, doesn’t the protagonist usually end up w the second one? i feel like he n taku just fit so well together like it’s a healthy relationship, no hate to joowon shippers i just don’t feel like this is where it should end );

and haesoo x taku was not toxic? so if i keep thinking about my ex everytime im fucking my partner like haesoo did its not toxic? if someone guilttrips me and forces me to be in a relationship with them its not toxic? bcuz thats what taku did when haesoo broke up with joowon and was not ready for a new relationship. is it not toxic that my partner thinks i look the best when im sad and lonely cuz taku said he likes haesoo forlorn look? and hello???? are we gonna ignore the dubcon in chapter 79?? anyway taehae is toxic too and about joohae just cuz it was toxic once doesnt mean it will always be toxic, they took some years to stay away from eo and now are starting anew and about leading on taku, thats how most love triangles are i respect ur opinion but i cant help but think this is the first time ure reading a love triangle

Exactly why should he? His intentions at the begining weren't the best and their whole relationship was problematic. At the end he wished Haesoo misfortune.
Meanwhile although Joowon has his faults too, he always wished for Haesoo's wellbeing and happiness.
The story was always about Haesoo and Joowon fighting against obstacles and growing into better, mature people.

yea nopeeee i was just wondering if this was the first time u read a love triangle cuz everyone wanting a happy ending or sequel for second ml is understandable but ur comment was different lmfao ure so surprised that the story used the obvious second love interest for the plot and didnt make him the endgame aint this something that happens in every single love triangle manhwa and kdrama js lol
bitch i’m not speaking for all the broke bitches out there, but hear me out: i would rather erase this story from my skull THAN rather lose this website over some little goodie goodies trying to catch the BAD guys
yes exactly!!
for realll
nah, i cannot afford to lose potn every other yaoi can disperse but i’ve been waiting 3 months for this shit this shit my favorite..mggo plz make another site or private it
There are other web too