I really love this story (and thank you for the uploader) but the cliffhanger really make me want to screwed on something (or someone) XD
But never mind that, hah finally Cole figure it out only by seeing Benjamin, and still how come YOU dear Felix haven't still realize the truth that just in front of your eyes...
I just hope you won't turn your back on Isaac after you know that he are the mother of Benjamin, and that's mean you're gonna know who the real father is... *Pray pray*

Actually I really don't get it... How come everyone can see (even THAT Bas***t COLE) can see by just a glimpse who the other father of Benjamin... Really...!!! LOL
But now after he found out about his past, what he really gonna do if he finally know that the omega that he been despised all this time is the same person he want it so much...
Yesssss definitely waiting for that time to come... XD
If I don't read the spoiler before this I really gonna knock down that Cheng2 for hurting my Nian2 but still knowing it, still hurt my heart though...