I want to see more of Yuha I want to see him happy he just got used my Devil wtf even tho he is far better than that whatever that mf Judan is....and why is Devil yearning so much for Judan after getting repeatedly raped and abused? Does love make you so blind? then why use someone else knowing very well that you won't ever reciprocate their feelings?

Why the hell is Isis still protecting that mf? Orisis is literally the root cause of everything, I just hope the best for Seth and Anubis

She didn't protect him she said somthing like " this my opportunity if i exposed ossirs vill deed that will take him down but saying that front of everyone ..." that show her considertion of seth (the victim of rap ) of not wanting to be exposed and when she saw seth going viral when ra was about to expose what happened maybe she wanted to take revenge but not that way

Everything was going well then suddenly there's a rape scene, I hate BL's like this where the love interest rapes the MC and some chapters later they are in love. This is the biggest turn off for me in any BL why can't they have a proper BL without any rape scene or even if it's there it shouldn't be like this
What are even these comments, you guys are fucking fetishing gay relationships god it's disgusting as fuck
Why are you here if you don’t like it??? JUST GET OUT!
You say “What are these comments” but I can’t find any comments about your complaint help
I'm sorry but do you find fetishing gay relationships okay?
Yes ofc bc fetishing gay relationships are okay......
There were a lot of them when I read this, now if you can't find them it's not on me lol
I saw some comments saying the at they ship the mc with his uncle and some comments complaining that there is no seggs scene yet