I love my mother very much but sometimes i feel very tired and trapped bc I set certain standards for myself to be a "proper" person to her. While she never asked me to be perfect, I feel like it's my duty to only present my best result to her. I would like a be well-rounded and someone she can be proud of rather than what I want.
I do not know what I want, what I like or how I feel. If she think it's the best for me then it must be. But what she wants is not really what I want. And when I try to do what I wants, she won't allow it. I tend to back off with the slightest disapproval from her.
I feel guilty trying to resist her, go against her bc she's my mother. I feels like an object. I can't think for myself and kept relying on her. Whenever I made a decision, the first person I look back is her. I'm stuck at where I am bc I backed out every decisions I made bc they seems like they won't be approved by my mother. And I hate being a burden to her.
look girl, i get you ok. but eventually, you will have to let go. its gonna be hard, its gonna be shitty etc. but ur life will only pass yoi by if you dont get it back. try to find a ground with your mom. (ur situation is like mine, so i understand) please stay true to yourself. ps; for me it got better after i left home and moved abroad to work, i was living alone and i learned many things, so if you have an opportunity to leave, be your own person and RUN. your mom wont hate u for it.
well twin i’d firstly advise you to look up phone numbers that work for the country you’re in, where they offer advice if you send them a text without any additional payment. secondly, how old are you?? like genuinely. stop setting such high expectations for yourself, start low man. i don’t really understand how to respond to this as my parents don’t talk to me that much lmfoaaooo but i think you gotta ! separate ! yourself from this and understand you’re two different people, she won’t always know better than you. you won’t always know better than yourself. you’re your own person, with your own thoughts, own feelings, you like different things than her. what’s best might not be best for you. my mom wanted me to be a doctor ( eeeek ), and she was upset i didn’t succeed down that pathway, but it just wasn’t for me and that’s fine!!! your life is toooooo long and tooooo short to be so miserable twin, stop worrying abt being a burden to her cause atp u burdening yourself with allll ts misery. BE HAPPI !!!! :3
Yes, I'm trying to study aboard so I can stop relying on her and be independent.(she doesn't seems to support when I talk about being independent and she doesn't think I can't make it) But I don't think I can ever show her my "bad" side even if I move away. I envy whenever i see kids those with chill parents
I see, I have another issue with talking about my feelings too:') I'm 19yo I don't know if puberty hit me late or smth, i 'be never thought for my own what I want until recent years. It just click one day and like wait a min.. This isn't what I want.. I don't know what I really want!
Well covid got me isolated myself from people and that might also be the click
well u got time don’t ya :3 ? you 19 not 90, you got tiiiiiiime. so much time even. start small then, i really want clear skin. yk i used this new skin care product and those lying ass hos talking abt how good it was EEUAUVHH i should’ve known..anyway i also really want a cat meow meow. i also wanna have a lot of money..but it sounds ridiculous, ya can’t just be low and jump high. what’s the first thing on your list..??? first thing, i want to smile more even, get out of bed more, literally you probably won’t ever properly figure yourself out, i’ve never met a person who could say without any remorse they know who they are. children to elders man, the best thing you can do is learn more about yourself rather than trying to figure everything out. your mom don’t think you can be on your own? show a mf what is UPPPP. you is capable stop thinking lowly of yourself
Bruhhh I knew it
I fucking knew it