Man lady trumpet was annoying lol acting like a spoiled rich having everything her way as she likes.. ugh hate her so much lol
Unfortunately, the social and economic elite, whether they're called aristocrats or just wealthy, have always bred men who become snotty a**holes and women who gave rise to the term "Karen." (Makes me feel sorry for the poor ladies who were christened Karen. Not their fault.). I've seen it in the military, the civilian workplace, and, heck, even in the Boy Scouts when I was a kid. The scoutmaster's cousin was given the top rank in the troop, and immediately acted like the Nazi party had just appointed him the local gauleiter. I realize that there is always going to be rank and structure in human society, but I refuse to not question authority and don't blindly obey it. "I was just following orders" wasn't accepted as an excuse at Nuremberg, and it's a coward's excuse anyway. Might be why I was not accounted a real member of the "Old Boy's Club" in officer's circles in the military.