Most people say Belle doesn’t have Stockholm’s but as a person that is greatly effected by the truth of this comment and on the scales of 1 to bloody nose for Suengho I agree and thus will publish a report on why Belle and I have Stockholm’s. It’s mostly pictures of this sexy Semi
He finally took a page out of the yaoi Book page 38 line 3 uke Will not be abused or taken for granted anymore and shall take if everything from them(▰˘◡˘▰)
When I read this story I must have woke up and chosen violence because now I'm mad I literally want to drag him through every corner of my house and then whoop his A**
that is already sexual assault. he touched his crotch area and was waaaaaay closer than he should’ve been and insinuated sexual favors. that is already sexual assault so all he did was make him get caught in the action
I kidd you not they always make the psychos so hot so we won't ditch them and then you get end up giving everybody Stockholm syndrome
Most people say Belle doesn’t have Stockholm’s but as a person that is greatly effected by the truth of this comment and on the scales of 1 to bloody nose for Suengho I agree and thus will publish a report on why Belle and I have Stockholm’s. It’s mostly pictures of this sexy Semi