Maybe it was the fact that Seungho was telling Inhun to go say goodbye.. almost as if he was bothered that Nakyum would feel slighted. Seungho, who would chase Nakyum with a sword so afraid he was that he would run away with Inhun... It's like he is not worried anymore that Nakyum will run away.
The time skip and the way Nakyum calmly let go of the painting --- throw it away --- is a sign that he moved on.
My favorite scene is Nakyum walking towards Seungho in the snow. After they look at each other ... Nakyum expression is left open to interpretation, as it should since the author doesn't want us to know anything but then there is the biggest sign of all: Nakyum is walking towards Seungho, by his own choice.
One more time, the author uses other characters to show how much Seungho is already in love with Nakyum. This time Inhun finally realizes that this is more than sex for Seungho. Too bad Seungho don't realize he just showed Inhun that Nakyum is his vulnerable point.
I'm sorry but I just can't care for the assassin as others do. I don't particularly find him that special in a story full of gorgeous male characters. I do however, care more for Jihwa... I think he is having second thoughts.. I still hope he can end this story alive ( with a lesson learned, but alive).
I think season 2 will be about hell on Seungho. If season 1 was Nakyum's suffering, I think season 2 we will have Seungho getting shot from all sides. All his enemies will come collecting ... his father, Inhun and the assassin.
I actually feel the need to get this out of my chest, 'cause it's something that's been on my mind but I don't have the courage to tell anyone... Growing up, even though I dreamed of falling in love, I was so socially awkward that I ended up isolating myself. I was also going through family issues and was a bit overwheight so I had trust issues and......
26 years old,Straight,Caucasian woman,California..well..In the country with horses and cows, Stay at home mother of 3! Anime, Yaoi, and Cosplay is my hobby, I love to freak out my friends, husband, and mother out by openly talking about yaoi all day, serious fujoshi, too much love for it and everyone thinks I’m a perve and I am TOTALLY ok with th......
I love it.