Stfu you sound entitled n ignorant for no reason bro if you dont have the power then work harder n don't shit on him for being strong?? HE LITTERALLY LOST HID FAMILY AS A PRICE TO PAY??
It's so sad that all she can do now is think about when she's gonna disappear again ;; like she can't even enjoy the moment no more cause of the constant anxiety that shit would've killed me inside
So he felt despair because he's been practicing that move for so long, and his hard work came off, being called "genius". But Dowoon was able to perfect it (I'm rlly proud of him!!) and it was like a smack in the face for his pride ;-;
Stfu you sound entitled n ignorant for no reason bro if you dont have the power then work harder n don't shit on him for being strong?? HE LITTERALLY LOST HID FAMILY AS A PRICE TO PAY??