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dede September 15, 2017 6:42 pm

Need help looking for a Josie manga can't remember the title of. It is about a young woman who has been asked to get married by a man who has temporarily lost his sight to stop another woman from taking his teenage son from him thinking she was an older woman only to find out later she was younger then he thought

dede August 15, 2016 4:21 am

Need help looking for a Josie manga can't remember the title of. It is about a young woman who has been asked to get married by a man who has temporarily lost his sight to stop another woman from taking his teenage son from him thinking she was an older woman only to find out later she was younger then he thought

dede May 26, 2015 12:52 am

Need help finding a manga. It is about a high school girl with three older brothers, one is a novelist who likes to go to cosplay cafes, another is an actor, and the third is a guy who dresses like a like kid, want to say he is a host but not sure. But the girl convinces the boys to stop acting weird but doesnt tell them it is because a guy she likes is coming to her house after school one day and she didn't want to be embrassed by her brothers. Does anyone know this manga? Plz help.