dede May 16, 2019 7:50 pm

how do i request i manga to be added called Ling Yu (Spirit Realm) by Ni Cang Tain its a Chinese manga

dede September 15, 2017 6:43 pm

Need help looking for a Josie manga can't remember the title of. It is about a young woman who has been asked to get married by a man who has temporarily lost his sight to stop another woman from taking his teenage son from him thinking she was an older woman only to find out later she was younger then he thought

dede December 3, 2016 6:45 pm

In Special A- Street Fight vol 1 ch 1 pg. 36 there is a page with four guys from another story, does anyone know what a story they are in?

dede July 26, 2016 8:11 pm

Looking for a manga about young girl who works for a company where they go into the home for a set time as a temp mother figure. The girl is hired to be a mother to three guys one a business man, another a musician i think and third is a playboy and the father. Girl ended up falling in love with the oldest son but she ends up leaving after her time was over only to have oldest follow the and bring her back

dede July 8, 2015 8:40 pm

How do I request a manga called Hyakki Koiran to be added

    217 July 8, 2015 8:53 pm

    I would try to message them via Facebook or their email. (You can find their email at the bottom where it says "Contact us.")

    tokidoki July 8, 2015 10:34 pm

    Has it been scanned an translated? If not, then try messaging a few scan groups to see if they are willing to do it.

    Anonymous July 9, 2015 1:11 am
    Has it been scanned an translated? If not, then try messaging a few scan groups to see if they are willing to do it. tokidoki

    Yea it has.

    tokidoki July 9, 2015 1:12 am

    Then I suggest you just contact the site admin like @217 recommends. :D

    dede July 9, 2015 6:04 pm
    Then I suggest you just contact the site admin like @217 recommends. :D tokidoki


dede May 30, 2015 3:25 am

Plz help
Looking for title of a manga
It is about a high school girl with 3 older brothers, one is a novelist, I think, but likes to go to cosplay cafes, another is an actor, and the third dresses like a little kid, and acts like it too. The girl convinces the brothers to act normal without telling them it is because a guy she likes from school is coming for a visit. Does this sound familiar to anyone plz help going batty trying to find it

dede May 26, 2015 6:32 pm

Plz help
Looking for title of a manga
It is about a high school girl with 3 older brothers, one is a novelist, I think, but likes to go to cosplay cafes, another is an actor, and the third dresses like a little kid, and acts like it too. The girl convinces the brothers to act normal without telling them it is because a guy she likes from school is coming for a visit. Does this sound familiar to anyone plz help going batty trying to find it


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