shavonne and lewellyn reminded me of ash and eiji so i was really scared they would have the same faith as them when i read chapter 89, i got so anxious looking at the chapters while the story got more and more intenseTHANKFULLY ITS A HAPPY ENDING thank u author for blessing us with this masterpiece!! (and that last panel of lewellyns eye scared the sht out of me)

I want to know more about them,what they're doing, i want to see them more i don't want this manga to end but that's just impossible. I'm so attached to every character Ray, Phil, Emma, Norman everyone. I can't get over the fact that Yuugo, Lucas, and Mama Isabella, and the other kids are all gone. I felt like i was with them fighting throughout this whole journey until the end, I'm so happy and sad at the same time...farewell euphoria.
aww man the end? already? awww wala na sad nako wala nakoy wow na basahon:c