So a while ago I commented that I would stop until I know whether the two main characters end up together... right after they were broken apart. Because I couldn’t bear that and worried that later on it might feel weird to push them together again. But it seems everyone in the comment section is rejoicing and happy about how it turned out... so is the story worth continuing?

I guess I’m glad that they all made up and are fine and all but I still wanted to emphasize that if this hadn’t been Natsuki, if it had been someone less skilled in selfdefense or more easily paralyzed from the sudden turn of events that they couldn’t react, then this could have been really bad. Then it might not have been just light harassment but someone’s life might have been turned upside down. I find that fact really scary.....
Ngl, I'm a little disappointed how they handled the temporary fall-out.
Like really, because Suou isn't ready to immediately jump from barely coming to terms with his feelings to s*x? Come-on not everyone is immediately under the sheets when developing a romantic relationship. I definitely wouldn't be. Not even with my crush whom I'd openly pursue for a relationship. There are other ways to prove your love besides that.
I'm a huge fan of the angst and was totally on Ryou's side until that point, but I really found it icky that he tried to pressure and guilt-trip him into something like that. If the author wanted to express that Suou was still not ready to open up, and was in fact still running away, they could have used other means to convey that, cuz it didn't get across to me like that at all, just like Ryou didn't give Suou any tim to process things, then assumed things and unfairly pressured him. Also made it seem like in the end their first time wasn't happening due to steaming chemistry and mutually feeling in the mood but only because they had to do it to prove a point.
You're so right!