It's still so wild that the same person wrote this side story as well as the AMAZING GL version. The GL version practiced consensual bdsm as well as proper communication with your partner. (Also they had my fave dynamic of Golden Retriever Himbo Lesbian x Black Cat "tough on the outside soft on the inside" lesbian like a healthier Catradora)

Idk this is meant to be a dark romance but still crazy to think about lol

OhGurl created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Can ypu imagine if the Priest didn't say that bullshit? That man (jinjoo husband) put her through so much trauma and danger and the priest is saying it's HER job to make the first steps towards forgiveness. (I also don't trust that priest his eyes remind me of the thugs)

Religious trauma is so real. The Religious ties to marriage is also so scary and damaging. Marriage is essentially a contract to love and respect each other until death but if someone breaks a part of the contract they should be allowed to get a divorce.

But certain religions use marriage as an advantage to abuse, cheat, and disrespect their partner, "Yes I'm neglectful and constantly put you in danger but YOU swore to be with me under the eyes of (insert God here)" and it's sad.

Of course not all Religious ppl are like this but there is enough for there to be a pattern in regards to allowing abuse in marriages and condemning the ones who want a divorce. Idk

This is actually so sad. I just want m girls to get some PROPER therapy and heal.


First of all, this is clearly a comedy type BL. The hitting is used for comedic effect, like The Seme is usually the girl in these types of romance who constantly hit her love interests for pursuing her and ML is fine with it.

The troupe is old and ppl are over it but it's clearly not something to be taken seriously. Also if one of the two were the toxic one, it would be the use.

I think since it's the bottom is the chaser y'all don't see it (he stalks the seme and has a weird shrine dedicated to him! crazy lol! And is creepy about being hit)

Yeah, but the end of the day this manga isn't serious and is meant to be a little outrageous and a comedy. So this one doesn't fall under the toxic bl troupe.

OhGurl created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

I told Y'ALL!! I TOLD Y'ALL THAT THE HISBAND IS A NO GOOD RAT BASTARD! Can you believe I had someone say to me, "Her husband isn't manipulative and didn't abuse her." GIRL! Look at the material. He's a liar and all this psychological abuse is crazy!

At this point I need to find a way into this story myself so I can beat his ass! And that blonde guy too! Jinju could've seriously been assaulted and all her husband can do is go. "UwU it was a silly debt ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶) I want to punch him with knife and push him on a pile of Legos.

OhGurl created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

@bom_bom since I can't reply to you directly

No I'm not reading this with my eyes close, it's context clues hun. Inferences babe.

She leaves her family for him. We never learned why, we both have our own theories on that but he doesn't let her work and does things with money without telling her.

Narcissist and abusers look at ppl that crave love like lions look at gazelles. She was easy prey. You see how upset her parents looked at her decisions and she just wanted love.

She suggested to getting a job but he politely turns her down. He makes major financial decisions without telling her. Also Doyeon as kind as she is, is also incredibly neutral on things. We learn from her pov that she's nice sometimes because it's the easiest to deal with. She's not a Saint but someone that likes to avoid conflict but from others pov she's Mother Mary.

He straight up LEFT HER to these thug loan sharks that were going to not only assault her but sex traffic her and when he gets back he's just l, "My bad uwu" his whole personality is a misdirect.

Also, just cause someone is being nice or "kind" doesn't mean he's not abusive this is from the victims POV.

OhGurl created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

I need Jinju to gain a support system. She needs more friends, and a job, just something that she can have of her own before she gets back woth Doyeon!

She's been so isolated from the world (because of her awful donkey abusive husband God I can't wait to get her backstory) and she's so lost like a lot of ppl who've been in this type of relationship.

I want to see her and the teacher interact more because you can see the care for each and I just want to see her reclaim her life!

Also! DOYEON! !! I WANT HER TO EXPRESS HOW SHE TRULY FEELS SO BAD!! She's always trying to be, nice, kind, helpful but out of the way. I want Doyeon to cuss pll put and foght for ehat she wants. Doyeon deserves happiness.

OhGurl created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

This is getting so good. I NEED to know about Jinju's past and her and the teacher.... lowkey would be cute together but that just for my fanfics I play in my head before bed lol. They have the Sly Fox and Tsun Cat dynamic that I love.

But anyway the slow burn is hitting right now. The fire is starting and I'm excited. Jinju is realizing her feelings but the most complicated part is going to be about her being able to be with Doyeon. Divorces aren't easy, especially with her rat boy of a husband.

Last thing:

Jinju jealous is so cute compared to Doyeon's. Jinju's Jealousy is, "What is this feeling

OhGurl created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Please by nice to my girls, especially Jinju this isn't an easy conflict to solve for them!

My heart hurts for my two girls Doyeon finally found something (someone) she actually wanted who made her feel genuinely wanted. But she can't fight for her and doesn't know how

And Jinju, MY LOVE! Her story is so sad too. She abandoned her family to be with this sly rat of a man (I feel like he's been manipulative since they first met.) Her husband leaves her to these evil loan sharks and doesn't call the entire time. She finally meets someone who just might care about her but her husband comes back.

And here's the thing that's her HUSBAND marriage is sweet, yes, but it's a contract first and foremost. She's also a older woman with no prior work experience AND he is the only family she has. You can't JUST LEAVE that without some guilt and we know Jinju is a sensitive soul.

I missed the lesbians so much (well, Doyeon is definitely a futch lesbian and Jinju, I'm not sure. I think she was just hetcomp but is actually a lesbian herself)

OhGurl created a topic of Love Thy Neighbor

Doyeon has finally found something that makes her feel in life and that little rat bastard shows up like everything is ok! Your wife was almost asulted and he's just, "Aw gee, silly me! Should've left a note" I do NOT like that man.

Jin Joo deserves so much more. She left her family for this man... FOR LOVE! And this is how he treats her?! She didn't work because his toxic ass probably didn't want her around other ppl. I bet there is a good reason her parents didn't like him. I LOVE MY CAT PERSONIFIED OLDER FEM!!!

Doyeon is in her Futch era and I love that for her. My girl got crazy eyes but if there is one Doyeon supporter in the world, it's me. She for sure wants to f*ck his wife in front of him and then catch him on fire and she SHOULD!

OhGurl created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Some of you in the comments are gross. I don't know exactly what happens in the raws but from what I've heard it's nothing physical but he ends up breaking Heesoos heart at worst.

"Cha deserves what's about to happen to him" HUH? DEADASS? Heartbreak = Imprisonment/Rape/Physical Abuse???? I hope no one ever breaks your heat if you think that's an equivalent

OhGurl created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

I think I'm going to have to say this every chapter now. THIS story is a Thriller dark romance. Love is an obsession here (we see this with Heesoo towards Taekyung, Taekyung towards Heesoo's mom, Purple eyes towards Taekyungs mom (we don't know why he targeted her specifically but it qas obsessive), and Maybe Taekyung's foster family towards Taekyung (foster mom is more than sus she's got crazy eyes and I don't think is foster brother is obsessed with him but he did become a lawyer like him, blushes around him, and kissed him will drunk) ok guys)

Please stop looking at this story as if it's "Sign" or "The Third Ending" this ISNT GOING TO BE SWEET OR FULL OF LOGIC! How many times have you watched a scary movie and told the MC don't go into a room and they do anyway?

Therapy SHOULD happen for these characters buts it's not going to. Y'all are saying Taekyung needs to get Heesoo Therapy but Taekyung clearly needs it himself (orphaned at a young age, bullied, watching his fave teacher die, ESCAPING A BURNING BUILDING BUT STILL HAVING THE SCARS, knowing his fave teacher is a murderer, getting SA by his teacher son, possibly unhealthy foster home) come on now. Taekyung needs therapy and Heesoo, who's 20 now, should realize he too needs professional help

"Taekyung should've been honest since the beginning!" Oh SURE tell a depressed 15yo that they're mother is a murderer who possibly tried to kill her son with her in a fire, yeah that's a perfect discussion.

Please please stop looking at this Story as a BL love story. This is a murder mystery thriller with psychological obsessiveness where the two love interests happen to be men.

(Spoiler kinda) I hear talks of Taekyung betraying Heesoo and irregardless of what happens that doesn't mean Taekyung deserves been chained to a bed to be SA come on

OhGurl created a topic of Gochisousama ga Kikoenai!

I'm a sucker for "Requited unrequited love" and "Mutual Pining" I REALLY REALLY AM!! UGH! I had to pause to laugh when mc was like, "He didn't say sex, he said SAX!.... HE PLAYS THE SAXOPHONE" He's too cute.

My toxic side cams out a little bit though because I did ship Incubus x Mc for a while. Their dynamic is really fun but the Boss was better!

Momo is so cute and ready to throw hand with Theo and I support her!!

I like Theo now but Mom has every right to kick his butt a bit!!

Me and Jaques are her mothers now (Jacques is a woman after my heart! I really don't think she's coming on to Theo, she's too Sapphic coded lol. And She doesn't seem like the type to)

OhGurl created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Oh no! A hiatus! It's ok though I know taking breaks are important and we all can't complain. I'll be frothing at the mouth until then though lol!!!!!

OhGurl created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

AAAAAAH!! I love a MYSTERY! A murder mystery at that!!!! And this Drama and My boy Heesoo is a crazy mf (like really really really crazy) but he's smart. UGH! I can care less if there is ever smut again, I just want this story!!! OoooOooooOoOh! Mr. Purple eyes (I'm calling him purple) Thought he was about to trick Heesoo but uh uh!!

I'm also scared for Heesoo and I hope he doesn't eat/drink anything given to him by Purple. But if he does, it's ok. Taekyung is on his way there! This getting good.

Purple: Your mom is a murderer
Heesoo: ┐(´ー`)┌
Purple: Taekyung can't be trusted
Heesoo: (ง`_´)ง

OhGurl created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

This is so juicy! I love a good psychological murder mystery!!! Ugh!! There SOOOOO MANY mysteries and unanswered questions!!

I don't think everyone in the comments are taking this story for what it is. It's a psychological, thriller, mystery story where the two main characters just happen to be men I'm a relationship. You can't reduce it down to JUST being a BL. This isn't a romance. It's an obsession.

Also, in horror movies you're like,
"Don't go through that door!"
"Why didn't they just call the police?"
"You know your daughter is a murderer! Why don't you get her help!?"

It's like that. This isn't going to be a healthy story (clearly not, homeboy got Taekyung chained to the bed in the future AND his mama is a killer) stop trying to look at it from that perspective. Accept you're reading a Psychological Thiller and NOT a love story.

OhGurl created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Ok, so this is my theory, that guy (let's call him Purple because of his eyes) is not only Heesoo's dad, but the man Taekyung is looking for. Heeso's Mom (going to refer to her as mom from now on) was in a toxic relationship with him. She was probably involved in his cons as well and finally wanted out when she got pregnant.

Purple blackmailed Mom with revealing her past to the school so that's why she was sending him money or someone Purple was blackmailing Mom with the fact she had killed that man. Either way, Mom was sending Purple money and when she stopped he caught the church on fire.

Taekyung, because he's a smart af lawyer, figured the fore wasn't an accident and has been investigating this case for a while. Taekyung doesn't want Heesoo to know what's going because:

A. He doesn't want him to know Mom is murder and was involved in scandalous activities

B. His dad is a (probably) a rotten Bastard

C. He just wants him to live a normal life.

Idk but I love when BL's have mystery plots like this!!!!!!! (I'm still gagged over that Ash Blonde 40inch bust down lol)

I used to root for childhood best friends but now that trope gets on my nerves 90% of the time. You had YEARS to confess!!!! LITERALLY YEARS! ANNND no you're mad they've found someone else? Ugh! What? Your BFF is just supposed know you're in love with them when you've given ZERO indication about you're feelings!!!

Woojin is awful and Jiho and Hiro are so in love and I'm happy they can understand each other now!

OhGurl created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

I truly feel bad for Taekyung tbh. He has so much unresolved trauma that he's trying to treat Heesoo with the love he didn't get. Taekyung knows what it's like to not be loved and doesn't want Heesoo to feel that way

Buuuuuuut THIS is toxic positivity. All its going to do is feed into bad behavior but Taekyung is only a few years older than him and has never healed. He's a ppl pleaser to his core and People pleaser x An obsessive possessive person is not a good mix.

Alsssssoooooo ppl that are saying that Taekyung deserves what happens to him in chapter 1 are mad weird! Heesoo hasn't shown how truly crazy he is yet to Taekyung. Heesoo is whiny and throws tantrums and threatens to harm HIMSELF (the boy has been suicidal for some years now) how is Taekyung supposed to know he's going to end up with a broken foot chained to the bed.

Major side note, Heesoo should go into hair school because that wig is LAID!!! LACE WEAR??? HMM! COME ON ASH BLONDE 100% HUMAN HAIR!!

OhGurl created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

So I see spoilers on tiktok sometimes and I read somewhere that Skylars asshole middle school best friend is coming back and I'm SO NERVOUS