What if this story just did a 180 like, "Hit On By A Kinky Guy". Like, what if this story just became oddly wholesome and ignored the first half of the story, as if it just straight up never happened?
Like tbh the Seme in "Hit On By A Kinky Guy" in the first half of the story was like WAAAAY worse in his treatment of the Mc than both Jingi and the white haired dude. But now the Seme in HOBAKG is so "pure and green flag" lol. Low key would be so funny.
This story is making me so giddy! I'm anxious but so excited! I hope when Juheon finds out about Dohu using him as a reference for his story he doesn't take it to bad.
Juheon most know by now how Dohu is with understanding social cues. Dohu, although his intentions weren't malicious, still caused harm but I want them to talk it out!!!!!! Especially because Dohu has been there for Juheon when he really needed him. Dohu genuinely didn't think he was doing anything wrong.
I HATE HATE HATE his bully so much! He's bullying someone just because he doesn't get upset??? Loser behavior!
On another note, my brain has went from 100% about Juheon x Dohu's relationship to only 50%. The other 50% is now dedicated to Dohu's sister. My dumb sapphic brain is now creating a GL sides story with her. She was only one lime 6 pages but now she has my heart and I can read 100 chapters about her as a hairdresser and an actress love interest.
There's a lot of arguing going on in the comments and this story is getting even darker (who would've thought that was possible) so let's talk about something lighter.
What kinda AU Side Story would you like for Doyeon and Jinjoo? I personally would like either:
fantasy AU (with mermaid Jinjoo and Pirate Doyeon)
An actor AU ('Please Leave My House' is never going to be finished, so I need an au in some way)
Or, because there it's basically non existent in the GL community, an Alpha/Omega Au! Doyeon is the most Alpha, to have ever Alpha and Jinjoo screams ideal Omega but also beautiful Beta.
See! I told yall there was no grooming going on with the teacher. Don't get me wrong, the teacher is an asshole, doesn't deserve to be a teach, prick but yeah, I wasn't getting any pedo vibes from him.
There wasn't even any sort of misleading going on. The teacher is terrible though. Heonjae seems to be on the spectrum. He became obsessive over the teacher, only because the teacher had some faith in him. He even misinterpreted the training regimen as a "love confession"
Now, know that I'm not insulting ppl that are on the spectrum (I think I am tbh) but more of, how negatively it can effect you if you grow up in a toxic environment.
Heonjae deserved to beat up his bullies though, I an 100% down for ppl beating up their bullies. But from what I heard about what's going togappen to the teacher, NO ONE deserve that.
Ok, I see ppl saying that white hair was groomed but idk. I think his home life stunted his maturity and he never learned how to behave correctly.
But I still think he's going to assault his teacher and his teacher is a victim in all this. I can see white hair mistaken an actual mature/tentative adult in his life and mistake it for a crush. Let's not start calling the teacher a groomer just yet lol.
What's so sad is, Jinjoo was doing the right thing bu trying to break it off with Doyeon. She apologized for the situation she put Doyeon but ita best to go their own ways and Doyeon is still young and will find someone better suited for her. A very clean way to break up with someone.
But Doyeons crazy ass just couldn't accept that... damn. I also believe Jinjoo isn't going to stay with Her manipulative husband but was also using it as an excuse to break up with Doyeon.
Maaaan this is sad. Doyeon really severed Jinjoo's only for of self, outside of her messed up husband
Damn...what a mess
These 2 chapters were actually SO damn! Good! The symbolism between someone choosing Doyeon in the past and her just accepting that she wouldn't get picked and feeling the need to not be chosen so she can stay with the rest of the children because it would make them happy (and it's easier to just please others) AND THEN to turn around and get chosen and want to leave immediately.
Then flashing into the future where the same things happening to her again and she, this time, wants to fight to be picked!! UGH so damn good!!!
I hope she leaves him, because he's an abusive predator but I wouldn't even be mad if she wants to break things off with Doyeon as well. Shes never had a life for herself and I love my girl Doyeon but shes a little unhinged lol. WHATEVER happens I hope it leads to a good ending for my girls.
I fee like this antagonist was with her in middle school as a "we're not really gay, we're just playing around" and she was super popular so she saw herself as better. But it was really just internal homophobia.
Tong has to step her game up because she's got a rival now.
We're soooooooo BACK! GL ON TOP 2024!! I always thought that this ending needed a bit more and now we're getting it!!!!
Chapter 2 already!!! AAAAAAH! Oh this going to be a slooow burn I feel it! Another really interesting GL! I can't wait to see our mc be properly pampered, she seems like such a people pleaser.
Listen, I'm going to to the burn to hurry UP! Because I really don't want to see my daughter Aya upset! That short haired girl better be only interested in Koga as an artist (like the short haired girl wants to be a manager or something) ot I'm going to start getting violent!!
I'm digging my knees into the dirt and praying that this two women are going to be a couple because this isn't tagged as a shoujo ai, so I'm nervous!!!
Also!!!! My MC deserves to be pampered and treated like a princess and the love interests definitely has a cool prince like energy!
No! AYA DARLING!!! Please! I'm going to need Koga to lock in right now! My girl Aya has been her number one fan since the beginning, Aya recognized her feelings chapters, upon chapters ago.
So Koga, my young prince?! Please reassure Aya! Maybe throw in another character to give her a slight push because Koga is "Isekai Harem Mc oblivious"
I've been reading Fem!Fushiita stories on AO3 and Koga and Aya are exactly how I picture them!! I don't know of there are any AO3 authors here but I neeeeeed a Music AU of Fushiita like this!!
Listen here,this is my new obsession, ok, and I'm a very weak person, ok.
My music lesbians NANA failed me
My music lesbians Carole and Tuesday were to ambiguous and there weren't enough implications to properly call them a couple
If Aya and Koga don't get together soon, I'm traveling into the ocean and summoning the Megoladon to end humanity I'M NOT JOKING!@!!!!
PLEEEASE! This burn is so slow thr immortal snail has finally caught up to me!!!
They are my new favorite couple and I love that Aya has been in love since like chapter 5 lol and Koga is JUST NOW starting to connect the dots lol and even then, Koga is so oblivious that she probably just thinks that Aya moved from BFF to BFFL hahahahaha!
(I know this is a dark story, that's why I'm still reading it and I do enjoy dark stories. This story is not meant to be taken as a "BL type romance" I know this. Although this is a dark story that doesn't just excuse a characters action)
This is going to sound so long winded. You know, it's still so crazy to see people say Taekyung deserves this or Heesoo's in the right. Like JUST WILD! This story is clearly meant to be dark and the POV is split between the hero (Taekyung) and Villain (Heeso).
Taekyung, at his base, is a morally Grey character. He wants to do good, like focusing ong being a good student for his mother, taking care of Heesoo financially after heeso's mother's death, becoming a lawyer, sending Heeso a friend, saving Heesoo from killing himself, appeasing Heesoo's wants/needs. trying to find his ex teachers murder l, etc.
But he always goes about it the wrong way, like not properly communicating with Heesoo's regarding not only who he is, but how he knows him. He doesn't set healthy boundaries with Heesoo, he covers the death of his teacher because his mom was the murderer.
But everything he's done throughout the series hasn't been fully self-satisfying but in a misguided attempt to help/protect others. I don't know about you but if I found out my mother/caretaker murdered a teacher I care about who I spent YEARA looking for the murderer, I don't know how I'd feel. I would be terribly conflicted too.
Heesoo on the other hand has done some unforgivable things for his own needs. He faded from being fairly Grey to a fully dark character.
Heesoo has had a very unfortunate childhood, his mother dies in a fire and then he has to live with an emotionally/financially abusive family. This leads to so many people forgiving him when he does things like raping Taekyung.
Murder can be excused sometimes, covering for murder can be excused sometimes, but there is NEVER an excuse to rape or kidnap someone. Heesoo, before finding out about his mother's Murder, is actively assaulting Taekyung and even fantasize about breaking Taekyung leg to keep him bound. Taekyung repeatedly said he didn't want to have sex and Heesoo threatened him with self harm and guilt. In adulthood Heesoo is still doing this and it's only for self.
Idk this was so long and I doubt anyone read this but to see so many people still give Heesoo grace and demonize Taekyung makes me so upset.
Im not saying Taekung isnt without fault, but to see that he deserves to be kidnapped, assaulted, and rape, is so messed up. Really pretty privilege at its finest.
....I've been thinking about this for a while now and it's driving me CRAZY that no one has even mentioned it in passing but... Jingi and Heonjae have absolutely NO ASS!
The have the flattest button I've ever seen! They must be on diets because there are no cakes in sight! Hank Hill looking asses! It's been bothering me this whole time and truly takes me out of the story.
I'll be worried and upset Myeonggil and hoping he gets out of this situation too and then BOOM... NOTHING, just all back and a crack.... damn.
AAAAAAAAAH!!! I WANT 5O READ ABOUT THEM FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! I would give up ALL BL if I could just read about them!!!
Yoon is so damn crazy and I LOVE HIM! UGH! JOON IS ALSO THE CUTEST GROWN MAN!!!
Please!! Yoon having a squirting kink is so in line with his "Give Joon all the pleasure possible mentality" Also, how many men is Yoon going to think is after his man?! Joon only has eyes for him!
You know, I was really hoping this would've been a GL Omegaverse story. Like, I LOVE GL (most Sapphic women do) and Omegaverse so this would've been so cool to see.
(This story also would've just worked as a polygamous relationship but that's so BEYOND rare in stories)
It was cool seeing an Alpha woman in this story but idk Dogyeom didn't feel any different then any other Bl tops. Like she didn't even feel like a Butch, Futch, Stud, or even Fem Dom type character just like BL top + Boobs. There's just something off and I can't put my finger on it.