AAAAAAH!! I love a MYSTERY! A murder mystery at that!!!! And this Drama and My boy Heesoo is a crazy mf (like really really really crazy) but he's smart. UGH! I can care less if there is ever smut again, I just want this story!!! OoooOooooOoOh! Mr. Purple eyes (I'm calling him purple) Thought he was about to trick Heesoo but uh uh!!
I'm also scared for Heesoo and I hope he doesn't eat/drink anything given to him by Purple. But if he does, it's ok. Taekyung is on his way there! This getting good.
Purple: Your mom is a murderer
Heesoo: ┐(´ー`)┌
Purple: Taekyung can't be trusted
Heesoo: (ง`_´)ง