Why do I always find stories when they're about to go on break?!?! I fully just threw a temper tantrum like a 3 year old on my bed!! Ugh!!
I'm so invested in this story and how the Outsiders are treated! Blur and Helmn had my favorite kind of build, slow but not 116 chapters until a kiss, kind of romance!!
His brother ducks I HATE HIM! But I will say platonic/family yandere >>>>>>>>>> Romantoc yandere.
LEEETTSSSSSS GOOOO LESSSSBBBIAAAANS! I FEEL LIKE A DUDE BRO SPORTS GUY!! Ladies, it took us 116 chapters but when finally got a kiss!! This is going to he a good week!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Most of the time, I'm reading shoujo/shounen/novels but I can't SHARE this with anyone. The mysteries in this story is killing me and I'm just ealking around with all these theories lol!!!
What is in that damn letter to have Myeongil so disgusted? Now, it had to be something Jingi did and not something done to him because he wouldn't have said "disgusting man" the tapes probably have something done to Jingi but that letter is something else.
And Heonjae's feels like Chekovs Gun. He has me on edge because he can go off at any moment! Watching Heonjae and Myeongil is like watching those videos of birds cleaning out the alligators mouths.
Even with the excessive smut, i really enjoy this couple. They are so sweet and fluffy bl needs more love. These two dorks are so in love I'm
jealous lol!!!!
(Also, I'm really not all that in to guys but there has been something about these dad's in BL lately that's being making me giggle.
I'll say it. I want to peg that dad. There.)
I feel like one of those detectives with strings on a board and I'm smoking a cigarette!!!
What was on the letter?! What's with those tapes?! Why did Heonjae do to his old coach? What's going on with that blind woman?! Why am I still reading this?
Alright guys, I'll see you all in June to read this story again once it all finishes. This couple is one of my favorite from ANY media, not just BL so I just want to speed through the separation arc because my heart can't handle it.
I'm a weak and emotional woman who can't handle when people I love fight so.. so you all later!
I love a Love Triangle were I can't tell who the Mc will end up with. When it's too predictable I lose interest because I hate when the Second Love interest doesn't get any attention or is not seen as a romantic partner.
I hope Noel sleeps with Luna because I feel like Noel and his friend really aren't compatible. Just because someone is your first love doesn't mean you should be with them.
I love the Third Ending so I'm really excited for this. Luan and Garden Boy ate so cute, I cant wait to see what happens
(The comments ate making me nervous though... a possible tragic ending? I like that too but I don't want it to be tooooo tragic)
I have had bad vibes about Heonjae since the beginning. I remember a few chapters back where I said something like, "Just because he doesn't understand social cues completely, that doesn't excuse Heonjae's actions. He understands enough to know what's wrong or right."
And soooooo many people disliked my comment and was like "UWU-ifiying" Heonjae as if he isn't a grown man in jail who constantly sexually assaults the mc.
I really like how this comment section has turned into, "Ew! THIS IS TRASH!!" *clicks on next chapter + looking for raws*
Like, I like that people have stopped defending the tops and are now like, "which one is slightly better psychopath monster?" And it's so nice. Like, now NO ONE is trying to justify the Jingi and Heonjae's awful behavior towards Myeongi. (Cough cough Tree that has roots Cough cough)
Best case scenario, Myeongi gets out of jail and never sees those 2 assholes again but I doubt that's gonna happen.
I've actually been laughing out loud the whole time. PLEASE the seme is so funny and pathetic. He really is a piece of shit but he's making me laugh! Like, I crave this level of groveling, pathetic, so painfully in love top so much and he hasn't even realized he's fallen in love.
This is classic Character A falls first but Character B fell harder.
Like if this story was so comedic I wouldn't be rooting them to get together but I can't help it. The seme is such a dumb dumbass but he has charisma but he FOR SURE needs to do a lot more groveling and begging to be with the the Uke also I needs to experience 100% more bit of jealousy.
*OHGURL gets off her bed and places her phone on the nightstand. She slips on her slippers and ignores her jacket as she makes her way to the balcony. OHGURL slides the door open and appreciates the crisp winter air that welcomes her. She releases a deep breath, impressed by the size of condensation it makes. As she gazes at the fog that blankets the empty streets, she ponders the moments leading up to her current distraught.
She recalls, at the beginning of her BL stories, the sweetness of it all. The comedy inside of, "Honto Yajuu", the pure love of "Heesu in Class One", the slice of life and character growth of, "Love Tractor" and the sweet love of, "Sign" and wonder how did she get here.
Puke, vomit, releasing of stomach enzymes, whatever you may call it, that's what she reads now. Chunks of ham or fish lay in the toilet as she watched the main character get tongued down by a psychopath with boundary issues. Yellow vomit rest on the chin of the main character as his false lover, the bottom feeder, licks his mouth clear with the excuse of "I ate the same things you did".
OHGURL laughs to herself, feeling her once burning ears cool off, and shakes her head. Maybe she should just stick with GL... she's never had to read puke there. She exhales one more time, the imagine of her as a dragon breathing smoke vaguely crosses her mind (perhaps as a way for the brain to try to distract itself from what it just tead), and heads back into her home.
"What a weird way to start Christmas," she says to no one. She crawls back into her bed, squeeze her eyes shut, and prays that she can dream of milk and cookies not vomit and tonguing.*
This webtoon shows that people only care about a "Perfect Victim". You can't be mean, but you can't be spineless, you have to have a since of justice but not betray you friends or family, you have to fight back but not so much that you harm the other person. I see more people sympathizing with Heesoo tha Taekyung and that's WILD!
Heesoo was sexually assaulting Taekyung even BEFORE we all discovered what happened to his mother. Taekyung is a people pleaser to his core. He's an orphan who feels the need to protect and make the people he feels guilt/gratitude happy.
He doesn't turn in his step mother out of gratitude to her for taking him in. He doesn't turn in Heesoo for r*ping and stabbing him out of guilt about Heesoo's upbringing. Even now, I doubt he would turn Heesoo into the cops. He needs to learn boundaries and self love.
Heesoo is a r*pst... period. "I know Heesoo is messed up too but-" no buts, he is kidnapped and chained someone up in his bedroom. The very same someone he sexually assaulted when he was younger. There is no excuse, his mother needs justice, yes. But what he did is unexcused and unforgivable, period. The story would've been different if he had kidnapped Taekyung in some weird "I crave family love type shi" but it's not, it's about Lust and a perverted obsessive twist of love.
Wait a damn minute!! I'm so freaking stupid (I also haven't read this story in years) we've seen Dajeong before. He was the poor boy that was woth the bastard Boss during those sex scenes!!
Ugh! My angel is going to end up liking the Boss and is going to be doing the chasing?! Maaaaan I can already tell this is about to piss me off lol.
My poor ANGEL!!! NOOOOO! He loved his mom so much and his mom loved him! We didn't get to see much of his mom, but the fact that she left the man of the child that attacked her son showed that she valued her son soo much!!!
Ugh! I've only known Dajeong for 2 chapters but if anything happened to him I'm killing everyone in that webtoon and then myself!!
I really don't trust that bastard boss and he's up to know good and I want him GONE!
My hand is HOVERING over the phone! I will be calling the police the second he even thinks something wrong about that precious angel.
This comment section for some weird reason.
"I can excuse, kidnapping, r*pe, stabbing, manipulation, R XPE, and imprisonment but I draw the line at being a hypocrite."
Like, DAMN! Taekyung is far from perfect but he's been through HELL! Bruh. And it's not even talking about the character in a morally grey sense, once a victim isn't a 100% angel and perfect, they are equally to blame for their abuse.
They all need therapy. PERIOD. Taekyung hypocrisy comes from years of guilt and manipulation as well as internal hatred. Its not a "LOL well she's my mom! Moms can murder a little if they want to xoxo" he feels a sense of forced gratitude towards her. She took him in, when no one else did, look after him and etc. Thn she emotionally manipulated him (He has severe mommy issues)
The brother would probably not hide his mom's secret because there isn't that foundation of "I am devoted to you forever for saving my life" and he doesn't even have a close relationship with his mom. Honestly, if Tae was the one to actually murder someone, I think the brother would hide it too.
If Heesoo decided to beat Tae's ass, I can excuse that. But there has NEVER been an excuse for sexual assault.
Is this how straight guys feel when they watch sports?!
Koga seeing Aya for the first time?! I started cheering!! Come on LETS GOOOOOO!