There is a very specific ick I feel when reading these types of stories: a FL trapped in a royal family wanting freedom and eventually ending right back in that environment with the ML.

I agree, I just binged this up to chapter 49. And like the rest of the story I'm really interested in, I just hateee the fact the ML (even before revealing he was royalty) decided to ignore the FL feelings. Like she expressed so clearly she didn't want to be married to any type of royalty, direct or not and he basically laughed at that. I mean imma keep reading, but I generally just speed scroll past the parts RN where he's in.

Based on the title and premise, I assumed this was going be one of those stories with all smut and no plot but I’m loving this? The ML getting in touch with is humanity and the fl who is learning how to live, love, and prioritize her own happiness. Really like how the story touches on heavy topics and how they put the spotlight on a marginalized group (prostitutes) and gives them more than just a one dimensional personality.

Erica was genuinely in love with the CP, unfortunately he has the wrong idea of what love is. I blame his dad tbh. We see later on how the emperor fuels the idea that Erica is only bound by obligation and can leave him at any time when it no longer benefits her. So now, he has this obsession with keeping her bound to him by force if necessary. I can’t help but feel bad for the CP, it seems to me that he would have been a better leader had the emperor guided him properly. I’m all for a good redemption arc but we are way past that now.
I absolutely love Izar’s character design and overall persona I PRAY we get a side story out of him he looks wayyy too good to just be the fl’s brother