Okayyy for anyone wondering toxic scans did some really really disgusting things so ig its been deleted. To begin with the updates where off on translation and low quality so i also think that adds to it being taken down. Ableism, racism,transphobia,doxxing,pedophilia and borderline harassment. I didnt make this powerpoint presentation but someone did explaining why toxic scans is cancelled. http://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/198391/
from what ive heard dear door is going to be professionally cleaned and translated so i think atp we will just have to be patient and wait ...(that is if someone picks it up before hand) ( ̄∇ ̄")
waiting isnt my strong suite but it seems inevitable aghhh we are WAYYYY behind from the raws LMAOOO edit : the chapters where deleted because they were flagged
Espanol:De acuerdo, para cualquiera que se pregunte que los escaneos tóxicos hicieron cosas realmente realmente desagradables, así que se borraron. Para empezar, las actualizaciones estaban desactivadas en la traducción y la baja calidad, así que también creo que eso se suma a la eliminación. Habilidad, racismo, transfobia, doxxing, pedofilia y acoso limítrofe. No hice esta presentación en powerpoint, pero alguien lo hizo explicando por qué se cancelan las exploraciones tóxicas. Http://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/198391/
por lo que he oído, querida puerta va a ser limpiada y traducida por un profesional, así que creo que tendremos que ser pacientes y esperar ... (es decir, si alguien la recoge de antemano) ( ̄∇ ̄ ")
La espera no es mi suite fuerte, pero parece inevitable aghhh, estamos MUYYYY detrás de los raws LMAOOO

What exactly is “false” about what they said? Because the receipts definitely check out. I’ve been following their scandals since they formed, and they haven’t not once Actually apologized for any of that stuff. They blame everyone, anyone else but themselves. They’ll claim “uwu it was on a private server” but that doesn’t change the fact that those people act (yes, present tense) like that and that they SUPPORT and CONTINUE TO WORK WITH SAID PEOPLE. They have refused again and again to reprimand and denounce said members, and we will continue to call for a b@n against them until they do (which they won’t because I’m fairly sure they’re all privileged children since that’s how they act)

Also, before you go crying “those members left” that still doesn’t negate the fact that they weren’t denounced by the group. They ALLEGEDLY “left” on their own and not because the group wanted to distance themselves from them. Their TEAM has never owned up to this, and I seriously doubt they ever will. Lmao at this point, just throw the whole team out tbh

http://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/188280/?filter=date explain this then dumbass. https://imgur.com/a/bATMMiZ EXPLAIN THESEEEEEEEEE
PLZ the whole chapter i wanted to SCREAM at sam ....like i get it hes trying his best to help but he over here acting like hes sherlock holmes i got so MUCH SECOND HAND when he was WAVING his goddamn phone like SIR YOUR GOING TO GET YOURSELF CAUGHT TF UP i love noah ... i love him to death and i wish him well but WTF im not mad at him for switching up this time - but i wish we got on the same page- like can they talk out a plan? instead of sam going around and ....idk doing risky stuff ...and thats the end of my ted talk