Chile am I the only one that’s so confused and thinks that taehos reactions to stuff was always so unrealistic and like he slowly lost his personality just so the plot could rush pass LMAO?

NOO. I seriously was thinking the same fucking thing. First he catches boss man in the middle of fucking and then sees the dude leave his room and he's like meh guess I'll just fuck you tomorrow and deal with it. And then bro gets almost raped twice. And he also decides that blue hair is ok and lemme drink this random drink handed to me. The characters personalities were just so bleh.

wait I’m confused is she black - or is she like a crazy tanner and black fishes

girl first off shut the fuck up.. there’s no reason ME A BLACK WOMAN should be the same color as someone who TANNED be darker ... gtfo off my dick with the attitude I said it because I’m tired of not getting any representation and as I said beFORE they give the character all black features and refuse to call them black - it’s blatantly anti black- I never said I wouldn’t read I never said I didn’t care when it happens irl... thank you

yall if a black person is uncomfortable with it pls respect it, simple. sorry you're getting so much hate @Jordy. I think gyaru's can tan but if you can't tell if their black or just really tan then yea its black fishing no matter the intention. and for ppl who said there are naturally dark skinned asians, yea we know lol, theirs a difference being naturally like that and tanning to be so dark that you can't tell if their black, blasian or black fishing.

Bruhh if your gonna start that shit then u might as well start using the right terms, most EAST ASIAN city ppl are light skin, go up the the farmers even in east asia then they're skin gets considerably darker. Alot of central asian and South east asian ppl are of the darker skin colour, except city folk ofcourse because of the tons if whitenening products available to them and forced down theyre throats. But if u leave the city and go to the rest of the country that tourists dont usually see then youll start seeing the colourism thats in Asia. Now as for black problems in America, u just can't apply the same context to the rest of the world sorry. If your looking for black representation within anime and manga, Japan despite only 1% of the country being foreigners, and even less of that 1% would be black people, have massive respect for black culture and have arguably good representation of them if you know where to look. And while sometimes they are just straight up culturally appropriating, that applies to more modern artists and subcultures. This is a subculture from the late 90's and early 2000's where information and things like culture arent as easily accessible or as easily translated, and even then the way these girls tan if your calling this black then your one hell of a lightskinned black girl because in terms of skin colour just from the cover photo as a Filipina woman, i am considerably darker than her.

But, on that note I also understand the frustration towards the lack of representation and i do hope as the future progresses that that will change, i also do agree that tanning under tanning beds until your basically a different race makes no sense and your opinions and frustrations towards that is understandable, i just disagree with the fact the colourism doesnt exist in Asia, and even if you only mean east asia because it really isn't true. I hope this story ends up being good and i hope we all enjoy it!!

LMAO get off your high horse. You think everything bends to your rule just cus you have the same skin tone? Can you live in reality for ONE second. I gave you little to no attitude until now, you anxious child.
Im black as well and im fuqin light skinned. There are albino black people, too. Your argument makes NO DAMN SENSE. Should I start gatekeeping characters cus the author just happened to color their skin the same as mine? Do you understand how ENTITLED you sound?
Why do you need representation? Cant you ne validated by your own existence rather than relying on someone else to create characters for you? Why dont you turn to Marvel/DC comics. Why don't you turn to Netflix with your bullshit. "I wanna see myself" no you just want validation for who you are and you do not need that from people who probably live in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SOCIETY with COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CULTURAL NORMS than your esteemed self.
It is literally THREE pages. How is it anti-black, bitch? It's a REAL THING CALLED KURO GYARU. And did you forget that there are people who are asian and are also black? naturally tan/dark skin? And you realise the sitgmatism they grow up with so a MC with dark skin is a breath of fresh air??
If you did some research, you would find that East Asian societies prefer lighter skinned than darker. The fact that the author even considered making a dark skinned character speaks volumes to your incoherent bullshit.
I also did not say yoy wouldnt read it and I didn't say you wouldn't care. I said— nothing happened yet so perhaps wait until you make outrageous claims.
Kindly fuck off. Thank you.

You are a racist bitch, almost as racist as what's depicted here with people who are japanese and black.
Did you come from twitter? Not every asian fits your mental stereotype.

No, you were the one who got angry. We are on a promo chapter where nothing has happened yet, but you insist that there is going to be a major problem because a character "looks black".
You get angry because I said to calm down as your worries will get in the way of enjoying the manga (because it will always be in the back of your mind).
You get angry because the MC on the cover "looks black", but do you get angry when characters "look white" or "look latino" or "look x"? I'm pretty sure this exposes your blatant racism. Should every asian have slanted eyes, porcelain skin, black slick hair, and high cheek bones? Does every asian have to have plain nails and no dyed hair?
Just because someone gets offeneded over how a character looks and how an author chooses to depict their characters in their art style does not make the offended person CORRECT or RIGHT. You do not own, license, or pay for this manga. You did not create, co-create, or sign on any of the characters. You did not aid in drawing the characters nor did yoy give input to the creator.
Once again, I ask you to calm the fuck down.
even when kim dan reminisced about their memories it’s all negative and toxic things he pisses me off!
my letter would’ve been like
dear mr joo,
im leaving because you act crazy, create a toxic work environment and out of work environment. You are always negative and it’s gotten to be too much.
Thank you for the work opportunity. I hope we never run into each other again.
ikr, at least he finally left with his grandma. I bet Joo Jaekyung will eventually find him and fucking rape him dry. At least he died with his grandma, at least they both in peace(wished this was the ending in sadistic beauty:bl)