Weirdly he does have a point. I want her to focus on her own dreams before supporting Tak Moo Yi as a manager. If she starts to feel confident in her writing abilities she won't feel as inferior about her life situation compared to Tak Moo Yi so she would feel more confident to be together with him.

I would be more supporting if she didn't sound like a complete child when she called him uncool made me think how young she was so it made the age difference situation as creepy as it sounds.

Everyone sees things differently. Imo it's not "just" 12 years. However I'm not against it if the person seems mature enough to understand what they are getting into. To me it doesn't seem that way if she has no concerns for the fact that their relationship may ruin his career which like his friend said could then become an issue reflecting on everyone else for example if they have sponsors they're going to get dropped due to society not looking kindly on the age difference. She doesn't seem older to me and is pretty much like any young heroine I've read about. These are all my opinions though.

age of consent varies pretty wildly across countries. I just looked it up and Japan's age of consent is 13 and the USA is 16. I DID also notice that some prefectures in Japan have statues that coincide pretty much with American terms, between 16-18. with marriage being 16 for females and 18 for males with parental consent.
Honestly I think the whole story is fluffy and wishywashy. I don't mind it, but I can see this taken into a more realistic direction. She could've lied about her age, he would've been too busy to meet and she'd turn 18 (since she was 17) and they'd all be honky dory. Now if she was 16 or had just turned 17 ... oof gonna have to wait for the long haul! lol
Ps Anyone else notice a trend in stories with females going for beefier men? I noticed a story where a high school girl ends up in a relationship with high school guy who trains in judo or something in her father's dojo. I also noticed another story where a young girl is a muscle otaku and is all about her hot neighbor guy's muscles
It's about to be a what? Girlfight! The lyrics popped into my head right at the end. Lol can't wait for the next chapter