it was so lovely. i loved the art direction and the choice of music.
i actually know how to play clair de lune so now whenever i play it i'm going to think about this lol reply
disability is not just physical! but i actually agree, in general society does not allow disabled people to be perceived in any sexual or romantic capacity bc we are infantilized
and if there is some sort of interest its treated as if whoever is attracted has deviant interests or a fetish. like someone being attracted to a disabled person can't po...... reply
well since im the only one i will say yep they know xP. well at least they know that i like to ship 2 guys, not so much the gay sex. most ppl dont talk about the porn they watch with their parents lol
but yeah when they initially found out i was really upset and embarrassed, but now since its out in the open i make jokes about it, no point in bein...... reply