yukine created a topic of Love in Orbit

I’m sad main story is over BUT LFG SIDESTORYYYYY

yukine created a topic of ENNEAD

I want to see Horus’s face agaaiiiinnn

yukine created a topic of Tongari Boushi no Atelier

What does Easthies know what has he experienced …

yukine created a topic of Perfect Buddy

They’re going to makeup in Milan ¯_(ツ)_/¯

yukine created a topic of Our Sunny Days
yukine created a topic of Crush and Burn

Ver asking if he will meet aman again… does he mean be able to visit the place or is aman also a being we haven’t seen

yukine created a topic of Eternal Covenant

Brian smiling at the end with sol was so cute

yukine created a topic of Love in Orbit

Are we finally going to get some gabin and sacha focus

Shirayuki knocked out haruki so he wouldn’t see what shirayuki does

yukine created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

Green flag but I still wouldn’t trust that lmao girls and all people with a uterus you gotta look out for yourself at the end of the day

yukine created a topic of Dreaming of the Dokkaebi

Min-chan looking annoyed/angry during this is going to make the payoff if his expression softens soooo good. It is hot tho so I wouldn’t mind if he never does

yukine created a topic of ENNEAD

The cat distribution system at work

yukine created a topic of Slammer Dogs

PLEAAAASE I want to see long hair guy go crazy