yukine created a topic of A well known love affair

Pink hair needs to get over himself and move onnnn

yukine created a topic of Payback
yukine created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I am internally screaming every chapter THEYRE JUST TOO CUTE

yukine created a topic of A well known love affair

Mc is cute but a little too stupid like how do you rinse your entire sweater while not having anything to wear underneath

yukine created a topic of A well known love affair

He really said Remember that thing from hs… yes please forget it after i just brought it up again

yukine created a topic of Sugar Trap

aww feel bad that the models past feelings got brushed off and basically called nonsense

yukine created a topic of ENNEAD

Seth and nephthys relationship is so tragic. A part of me wishes for a happy ending with them together.

Seth has been through a lot glad we’re seeing him slowly get better with Horus

yukine created a topic of Half of Me

The younger brother pmo so bad

yukine created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

One ball fit in that thing

yukine created a topic of Dear, 00
yukine created a topic of Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club

Idk who to root for anymore yacchan was so cool and cute this chapter

yukine created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I hope taegun notices eunsungs reaction to receiving the flowers because really cute and to get some progress ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

yukine created a topic of Hold Over You

If they’re just going to keep going at it at least have some internal monologue besides thinking the situation is crazy. I liked how it started off before the car accident

yukine created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Author and artist, what if I told you I love you for creating this amazing story

yukine created a topic of A well known love affair

Ik if I were the friend I’d be nosy too but only because is want to cheer on my friend

Red head is scheming something

yukine created a topic of Chainsaw Man

WHAT THE HELL dont show aki pls im still not over it

yukine created a topic of ENNEAD

wait that was really cute between seth and nephtys

osairis ruining everything just let seth be happy

yukine created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Girl what??? I wanted to give her grace but her explanation just annoyed me. Like he said mind your business