“The police might come if I stay here to long”

yukine created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

I’m really liking this so far but I wish I didn’t read it until there was like 25 chapters the wait is killing me

yukine created a topic of Crush and Burn

Cain’s hair is so pointy and angular but still looks so fluffy

yukine created a topic of ENNEAD

Can someone remind me why they fear Hathor so much? I know Hathor is the sun gods favourite so she gets what she wants but is that it? Like does Hathor have her own strength

yukine created a topic of Plaything

He looked so excited at the end

yukine created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Seonwoo mentally calling mr.jeong a whore for holding the elevator open loooool

yukine created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can
yukine created a topic of Plaything

When the king walked out dressed up role playing I burst out laughing. This is a comedy in its own way