Joowon isn't toxic. So please stop saying he is. He's REFLECTING from his actions. GIVING Haesoo the SPACE he wanted. He ISNT begging and whining around for Haesoo to come back. He misses him, but isn't forcing him to come back either.
And like other's have said in the comments, Joowon did do wrong to Haesoo, i agree. But, Haesoo has done some shit too. So don't take Joowon for the "bad guy".
And Taku, he's pursuing Haesoo while knowing full well that he's still hung up on Joowon. He knows it, yet he still is trying to get with him.
BUT, even so. Haesoo knows it himself that he's still hung up on Joowon. But, he still is giving Taku a chance, he told him he'd give their "relationship" one month, to see if he would actually forget the feelings he had for Joowon and MOVE ON.
It hasn't been long since the incident with Joowon and Haesoo, so the wound is still quite fresh, it can't just heal that quickly. It TAKES TIME.
But hear me out, it's true Joowon gave up a LOT for Haesoo. It's true he sacrificed practically everything for him. Like when they were still in school where Haesoo was beat up because of the picture Joowon uploaded, for even just a second. Joowon was furious and beat the crap out of the guys who messed with Haesoo. Sacrificing his reputation, he could've been in worse condition and word could've spread and as an aspiring actor, it wouldn't have been good for his "image".
He also always looked out for Haesoo, visited him occasionally, helped him relieve stress, comforted him when things got tough, he wanted to be a part of Haesoo's life no matter what. He didn't want to be thrown away.
But that doesn't change the fact that he did some cruel shit too.
Same with Taku. You might disagree with me, and that's okay but. Taku might be an even bigger egotistical narcissist. The story even says that he's never liked someone as much as he likes Haesoo.
He knows Joowon loves Haesoo and knows Haesoo really loved Joowon. But, he took an interest, and y'know what you do when you really want something?
You do whatever it takes to get it, no matter what.
If anything, Joowon and Haesoo have a much deeper connection and history, than Taku and Haesoo. Joowon and Haesoo grew up together for years. Taku has known Haesoo and Joowon for months, it's clear who's had the bigger impact on Haesoo.
And yes, Taku's feelings are portrayed as genuine as well as Joowons and Haesoo's. But still, if Haesoo is still thinking about Joowon after the month that he and Taku are doing a test run on if they'll date or not, we know the answer to this love triangle.
Overall I hope when this ends, it isn't rushed and isn't total garbage. WE NEED A GOOD ENDING, WITH REASONABLE FACTS TO BACK IT UP. I DON'T WANT SOME TRASH ENDING. I HAVE HIGH HOPES FOR IT
2020-08-24 05:01 marked

2020-07-30 06:59 marked

Moritat (Mack the Knife) which could be the song he was talking about. This could explain the knife
The thing behind Jesse could be a mandala (in the cover).. "The mandala's purpose is to help transform ordinary minds into enlightened ones and to assist with healing." //This one is an "ehh" because it could be something else//
In chapter 1 Jesse's phone is ringing. We learn that Law used to get called a lot by Jesse and had waited for the ringing to occur and then go to Jesse right away. We hear one final ring and then we see Law on his phone in front of Jesse.
When Law was talking about the female maid he said exactly what Jesse said.
Law didn't want to be an equal to Jesse in the end and actually wanted to be controlled by Jesse. (i think-)
2020-07-17 08:18 marked
2020-07-17 07:56 marked
2020-07-16 06:22 marked
2020-06-25 05:15 marked
2020-06-14 00:19 marked