They changed it up a bit. Lezhin is so expensive ya'll. I got 3 platforms I read in (tapas, tappytoon, lezhin) and it's expensive ya'll (and in dollars). So Mangago it seems I am here to stay.
Coins on lezhin are super expensive in the U.S. site, I totally agree. What I do is go to my account and change it to the korean site, and if you’re using google chrome it translates everything and it’s really easy to navigate thru the website. Anyways, my point is: what I do is buy coins on the korean version of the site and they’re waaaay less expensive, I can tell you that, and you can use them when you change once again to the U.S. site to buy chapters in English (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
This is the best storyline in yaoi mangas I've read so far. Characters are very complex (without over dramatizing) plot is very interesting and unique (sports and psychological trauma) the lgbt side is believable (shows the difficulties homosexuals encounter) and the representation and symbolism are very creative (the game inside his head). HOPING FOR MORE CHAPTERS AND OF COURSE MORE FROM THIS AUTHOR
It's a cutesy fluffy story. Not bad. Okay bye me gonna go now to familiar waters *me sifting through yaoi smut*