I love everything about the FL, like everything she's going through is such an accurate representation of how many mental blocks and hoops you have to go through to unlearn what that does to you. Like, I think someone said that she's not trying to change, but by golly she is trying so hard. She's constantly going to the library to figure out what she needs to know... It's just that she sucks at it, and man oh man can I relate. She's so relatable to me that it like physically hurts.
Not only does it make me want to cry to know that someone experienced the exact same treatment as I did as a child, but it also so cathartic to see her working so hard to become someone she believes is worth it to receive all of that kindness she is (even though she deserves it regardless)
Like,,, I can not conceive how this would be annoying unless you literally don't empathize or connect with her struggle at all. Like, man she is out here trying her best, making mistakes and learning. If that ain't a Strong Female Lead, then I don't know what is. Open your eyes y'all
exactly!! i feel like this is really a great story, unlike other manhwas where the abused victims just completely recovered which is rlly unrealistic, we can see her grow slowly and actually seeing her dealing with it because in real world traumas wont go away as easy. she’s one of my favourite female lead, she deserves so much
ML: god she's so stupid *starts undressing*