Hahhahah...... if taku doesn't at least get a happy ending after this on god I will be throwing hands-

Dude. Taku has done literally nothing, unlike the other dude whos a complete asshole bc of his pride taku always tried to do anything to make the main guy happy, of course I still support that ship bc that's the plot and I'm not shaming anyone for it so why come for me when all I said is that I want taku to find happiness like the other two, is that really so bad?

bcs of his pride: lol no?? joowon has been gaslit by his father for years, convincing him that haesoo will abandon him if their relationship gets serious. And also, that Haesoo and Joowon BOTH agreed on this arrangement. I think you're just not bothering to understand Joowon's perspective, and also refusing to see everything wrong that Taku has done, just because you can't accept that your initial thoughts about the characters are wrong.
I don't want to write an essay here, so you can read my old comment instead about Taku's so-called wrong actions if you want to understand: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/9517513/

i just don't like ppl saying taku did nothing wrong, he was innocent and blah blah. like the story really doesn't depict that.
me pointing out his flaws and wrong mindset, doesn't mean i want him to be purely miserable at the end... and yeah i dont think you should be jumped just cause you want him to have a happy ending like haesoo and joowon~

I mean, you are factually incorrect, but sure. its fine to like whatever character you like but to be this blind and to say Taku did nothing wrong is just flat out incorrect.
and no one was "coming for you" ??? like no one said anything about you, unless you actually think someone disliking your comment is a personal attack??
its literally just people disagreeing with you, if you can't handle dislikes then you probs shouldn't be posting on a site where other's can comment and are encouraged to participate in discussions.

Omg bro I know hes not innocent if you would've read more down to the other comments that I've posted you would've clearly seen that i wasn't defending Taku for anything cuz i know what he did I'm not blind I only said I want him to find happiness like Joowon and Haesoo did with each other like bruh is that so wrong to say? Next time you decide to post something look more deep into it and get your facts right

are you gonna lecture me about reading comments when you didn't even address the main point of mine? uhhhhhhhhh ok lmaoooo
and what I said in my comment DIRECTLY relates to what YOU said in your comment to me. like, if you didn't mean it whyyyy did you say it to me??? I am confused as to why you think I am required to read every comment you posted to other people. you're all over the place and contradicting yourself and now ur trying to blame me for your inability to properly express your thoughts. you need to get a grip.
and my point still stands, if you can't handle people disagreeing with you, you probs shouldn't be posting shit.

Um I don't know why ur so pressed but if you had just scrolled a little bit up you would have seen the comment where I explained the actual meaning of my topic and I don't care that ppl are getting pressed over the comment bc if they disagree that's their business and I can't change that cuz see I respect other peoples opinions and u should also learn how to do that and not come here giving me shit about literally nothing

disagreeing isnt getting pressed about something. you wanna be a victim so bad lol you wanna play like a bunch of people disagree with you and so they are coming at you. literally all I have said from the beginning is people can disagree with you without it being a personal attack but clearly that isnt the case for you since you see anyone who says anything different than you as "being pressed" or disrespectful.
please, show me where I was disrespectful of your opinion. give me one example.
honestly at this point it feels like this whole comment section is just a troll cuz of how you have twisted things, contradicted yourself, and made it to seem like everyone is against you for no reason. idk if I'm supposed to take you seriously anymore or what.

First of your a bitch cuz like I don't know you people and all I wanted to say was something I think but some people clearly disagreed and I was like okay that's fine cuz that's their opinion and I can't change that and I don't even know when I tried to change that then I clearly corrected myself on what taku did or what I was trying to say with my topic and since I didnt explain it right (and yeah that's my bad) but now the only thing I'm questioning is why you decided to come and start something again when clearly it was over and people were satisfied? Were you just bored or what?

off* you're* :)
and you still haven't addressed where I was disrespectful. you clearly were not ok with people disagreeing cuz you made a point to comment about the people who disagreed with you. see the contradiction there? and I never said there way anything wrong with your original comment, just that people are allowed to disagree with it and me just saying that people can disagree with you got you all bent out of shape lol
with the whole pandemic I thought I was gonna be stuck without any entertainment but its not so bad, I mean, I don't need to go to the circus when I have a clown right here!
and there is your example.

How long have you waited to use that joke? But I dont know where I ever said that ppl werent allowed to disagree with me like for the past two comments I have been saying that I'm respecting ppl opinions and if they disagree with me that's fine cuz like their opinion is not something I can change, did you not read that or something ?

oof I really got to you didn't I? hittin the old triple reply.
I didn't ask for an encore but who am I to deny a clown its stage? each comment was like watching another clown come out of a tiny car -- both surprising, and laughable.
But in all seriousness, you should really work on how to talk to people cuz whatever this was is just embarrassing. don't pick a fight you can't win :/
thanks for proving that stupidity is just as dangerous a disease as covid. get well soon!