I should have let this marinate longer ill be back after a good while. Love it so far tho fr and the whole misunderstanding about Seo and Kwon being together is too funny lol
I feel like Uraraka and Deku are going to come to an understanding because they are feeling the same pain towards the villains they couldnt safe. Uraraka couldnt save Toga and Deku Shiggy on top of understanding Spinners hatred for him and the world. Honestly i cant wait for the next chapter i really dgaf if Deku and Ura have a romantic moment i just want to read that conversation fr
Listen i already dont like slow burns but this is SLOW and the misunderstandings are killing me KILLING!! Im just come back after some time
No because i thought he was gonna hit her not THAT! I really had to put my phone down and deliberate with my imaginary audience after, cuz aint no way that caught me WAAAY off guard like that. Ceaser needs to die like yesterday and Iz NEEDS to know EVERYTHING let the family fucking burn bro.
She better be greatful that that happened and not upset or anything. The plan was the runaway anyways what better moment for that then right now?
To many things. Still waiting on the mark thats appears on wife (ik his name but i forgot how to spell it) to be explained like i KNOW and FEEL this man will get pregnant in the future istg. Im betting MONEY on this guys! Also This damn egg needs to hatch so we can get the ball moving on this mystery plan that bird man got going on. Or we can cook it
I reaaaally need the situation on Dohus lack of understanding emotions to get talked about fr because i can feel an explosion coming or an unwarranted reveal in his future. Also aunty/mom gotta gooooo leave Juheon aloneeee
OK, I know that there's some mixed opinions so far but honestly, I'm really liking the complexity of the characters so far. Maybe I can just relate more to what's happening since I've been in certain situations that have been similar to this, but the whole conversation that happened between them was so realistic and that's exactly how it goes for most people that feel guilty about something they said or did to someone else that they used to be really close with. Though I will say concerning the ML situation, I am so confused but I know it'll get sorted out as the story goes on since we're just at the beginning.
IDK i just really like it so far
I just skipped to the end. I cant do the rape anymore gonna keep skipping and skimming until i see details of the prince dying and a rescue
Im sorry but the order of the uploads is really messing with my head. Like i understand what happened but im getting lost on the chronological timeline
I hate it but i find it so funny that everyone was complaining about the love interest and stuff in relation to the story. (Me too) and now we are getting slapped in the face with the EXACT thing we were confused/complaining about. Long story short this whole thing is soooooo unnecessary. Let Shushu deal with life before throwing her love interests
Wanna know what i just realized? Did we ever get to address why tf Jooha always had pearls coming out his dick when he came??? Ngl after a certain point we linda just ignored that and i think he stopped making the pearls at some point. Idk but i swear i can not remember the pearls ever being talked about in a serious sense lol im too lazy to go back and read cuz i really dont wanna see Pilwon
I love the relationship dynamic of father and son when i see the more sus panels i just forget about the father son dynamic and try to imagine that they met while both are adults. But thank you translator for the warnings at the very least. Theres nothing we can do about the author trying to appease theyre more sus audience since unfortunately its a big thing in theyre country. It doesnt personaly bither me because i know where i stand. So im just gonna enjoy what i came here to enjoy in the first place
Istg if this is insinuating rape im gonna scream. I thought we were OVER THIS. Im just so tired of seeing rape in BLs at this point its really starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth when its just goes all in instead of insinuation then being saved. So this better just be an attempt and he gets saved or so help me
Im waiting for the medical emergency with to happen that really the only reason i started reading. Cuz like doesnt J have like a condition or something from the first few chapters after introducing him??
Ok so like i get why the FL is literally insane, i mean regressing multiple times and dying in multiple way would make anyone crazy. And i also get why she wants to kill everyone who wronged her because of both revenge and wanting to change her story. That i GET. Where the PROBLEM lies is the fact FL is just a sociopath. Like the amount of plot holes here is crazy, i can barely follow along with whatever this plot is. Raymond has me all types of confused. Dont get me started on this true love bullshit. Bro instead of trying to put all this plot and stuff the story really just could have been about FL being psychotic and living her life as a murder till she finally dies after killing everyone or something you know? But no its all about trying to find out who she is, who her mom is, if she is gonna be in love with Raymond etc. idk maybe im being dramatic but this gave me such a headache trying to understand i kinds lost all interest when she didnt kill the black haired guy and got her dad to kill himself. Again shes crazy I KNOW but jesus it all just went downhill after the fire.
Good luck to yall that are gonna continue this. Yall stringer then me