Him freaking out over the little baby is hilarious
Also im so happy that he chose it just fits his character and powers
Theyre little weird ass family dynamic is just so perfect UGH im always so excited to see them. Now all im waiting for is a moment with Ijin and 002 and maybe a big ass family moment where the numbers go to Ijins house cuz omg that would be so funny to read.
I thought Ash was gonna tell him about his rut this chapter. Damn, welp at least i know we're getting good sexy times soon lol
Also idky yall are putting spoilers i thought it was obvious that Ash was showing signs of rut? I haven't read the raws or anything but it was kinda obvious? I dont mean to offend or talk about those actually using the spoiler tag to hide real spoilers. Im just saying you know?
So i decided to reread the epilogue chapters again just to refresh my mind for the next update. And omg im so fucking stupid. All of Ash's actions were heavily influenced by his rut. How tf did i fucking miss that?! Anyways rereading it was kinda funny cuz of how oblivious Lyle is but damn cant wait fir the next chapters
I already knew Grandma was gonna kick the bucket at some point. I mean she had multiple chapters of her living her best life cuz of the money she received from Jk. Calm before the storm type shit you know. But what im more interested in is that DM!! New job offer? New enemy to make bby boys life hell? New friend? The POSSIBILITIES!! I just really hope its something good for Dan honestly. I really just want him to get away from Jk even if its only for a little you feel me?
I got up to date in one sitting i need moreeeee. On a more real note tho i love this. Its such a more smooth ride then most of the bl im reading already. Like idk i really just like the realistic concepts more then the dramatic stuff i read in other bl. Its a nice change of pace which is what im trying to say lmao.
Ill be honest im rooting for Jo only because I feel sorry for Ian. Ian is trapped in a weird relationship with Tj and they have kind of a unhealthy attachment to one another. I feel like that attachment might be theyre down fall and it doesnt help with all the mob stuff. Like Ian is supposed to not be around the organization period but because hes still fucking Tj he keeps staying around putting attention of himself and Tj. So im like thats gonna not be good obviously. But my final thought is this. If Jo doesnt pull up a d take Ian away then i hope none of them win in the end. Cuz this all seems like its just gonna be traumatic for everyone.
Sweetie please just stfu. There's already been so much evidence that you're not gonna be an alpha. The ML is literally saying to your face that he wants to be with you no matter what. You're overthinking is getting ridiculous at this point. Just be happy you got a man this early in life and have da smexy times, get married and have five kids already. FOR ALL OUR SAKE
Johnny is one grade A manipulator AND gaslighter. Honestly hats off to him cuz he lowkey had me fooled lmao
He really thinks Yeop remembers him. Ima be surprised if he was someone actually worth remembering but if not ima just laugh cuz thats just embarrassing
I feel like we might see Jaehwan use the decay kings favor again. Just a thought. Anyways ive been wondering what the heck happened to the others that left with Jaehwan at the beginning of the arc? Like we kinda just ignored them as soon as this arc started. I miss the old man he was so funny
If you ignore the name the story is actually really good. Im bypassing the fact she looks like a child because it was clearly stated that she was treated so poorly that her growth was stunted. Plus the author made it a fact to repeat that fact multiple times so far. The title does really throw you off but getting past it the story is great.
Its not often i see a story where the main characters have a good chunk of crazy in them. Like its not even a crazy that make you want to stop reading either and not a type where its just straight up weird. I love this story so far but i cant keep waiting anymore. SOMEONE SPOIL ME OR DONT i just wanna know if its a good or bad ending (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Im just saying. Why call a medic on the psycho brother who just wants to keep you locked tf up? If anything he should have dipped after calling for help or whatever but thats just me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭