NOOOO COME BACK!!! someone give me the raws I cant be edged like this I NEED TO SEE
I apologize but that was the dumbest logic i have ever heard in my life
Idiots the both of them. Idiots like let me skip the secondhand embarrassment bro
Im just happy the fuck ass blond is dead i could care less if these two get together or not. This story is a damn rollercoaster that I NEVER want to go through again but Jesus fuck it was good even if it pissed me off so damn much. My thing is of a story can make me sad or mad or excited to a certain degree its good lol
Ohhhhh i have been WAITING to read this! I cant wait to know more about the story and see these two get together
At this point yea these two should just die cuz theyre both fucked and Zig should just move on
Sooo dragon boy wants to be fucking god. Yeaaaa I would have locked him up cuz tf you mean that crazy shares the same blood as me?!?
The way i am unbelievably confused but not at the same time is mind boggling. Ill get it at some point but for right now I have no idea what is going on in terms to Terrys regressions a d loops. If i was WL id be mad ash if I ended up in this story too.
The emperor pisses me off to no end. This is not a conversation to have in public of all places and announcing that she is his daughter without even considering her feelings is even worse. I hope Shu screams at him or something and says she doesnt want to his daughter. Idc I want her to stay with the Duke and her Brother. They are so much better as family
EAT SHIT BITCH HAHAHA Finallyyyy Kim Dan is slamming his foot DOWN
Dude i lowkey dont trust that girl. Like idk maybe im paranoid but i dont trust herrrrr
Sooooo when are these chapters getting fixed? I need to read this bro it was just getting good smh Im too stubborn to move to a completely different site for this specific read
I expected it but MY GOD?!
The crucifixion was fucking wild. Like wow that shit HURT
Bro i just want to fucking read. This is the fifth fucking story with a half chapter uploaded. Ill just come back in like two weeks cuz fuck this
I hate Idiris. What do you MEAN he went back?!? I knew he was going to cuz if spoilers but jesus fuck dude.
I KNEW IT! I knew he was gonna call the sole king! Damn tho after this hell only have one more chance to use his power
Im just waiting for Ilmi to crash and fucking burn cuz why hasnt that started yet???? Onyu is such a good friend oh my god she still has full trust in Chaeri despite everything. I just wish Chaeri would just be a bit more honest and open with her but I get its like a survival trait to still stay so closed off. Hope she can get past that soon so we dont see a best friend break up. Now THAT would kill me