Azumi is so weak how is she the heroine
In stories like these, heroine usually reffers to the main female lead(character) or the main female love interest.
The demon prince is so pretty it’s not good for my heart
I am the only one who thinks the competitions to get the prince are super weird
I feel like she’s going to end up with giord but I really like him the least sighhhhhh anyone but him
Gahhhh okay he’s my new favourite
I love this I keep thinking “ahhhh so cute” but also laughing my head off
I love this it’s so cute and pure ahhh
Gahhh Argo is so cuuute
This manga just makes my heart feel so warm
Gahhhh I love this I want more
Azumi is so weak how is she the heroine
In stories like these, heroine usually reffers to the main female lead(character) or the main female love interest.