Hate Mate
I am speechless ... I do not think I have EVER enjoyed reading a manhwa as much as I have enjoyed reading this one. I ended up finishing this in a few hours. When I read the synopsis, I assumed this would be a classic reconciliation between old friends that leads to that one straight character "turning gay", and them ending up with each other. In reality, this ended up being completely different and I have no complaints about this what so ever. The plot was very interesting and the story had a very good flow. What made me love this manhwa so much was how realistic the relationships were portrayed and how relatable the characters were. Subin's dynamic between his friends was relatable and their childish banter was very comical. The push and pull between Subin's and Hyunwoo's need for affection and their fear of intimacy were demonstrated very well. Subin's and Jun's relationship is also a good example of real-life issues many couples (and people) face within the 21st century. A lot of readers were pressed about the ending but I think the ending was very befitting and helped contribute to how raw and amazing this story was. The art style overall is very simplistic but the author makes up for this by being able to create a powerful emotional sensation to help drive the story. I loved how the author drew many of the character's facial expressions, unlike in western comics, they were less concerned with "beauty", and we got to see a more comical and relatable side to the characters. Overall this was an amazing read and will most likely be one of my favorite manhwas ever. I highly recommend this to anyone who is up for a good romance that is realistically depicted and not altered to fit into classic heavily fantastical romance stories.